11 Ways To Get More Views on Your Gaming Videos On TikTok

It can be so frustrating to spend a lot of time creating videos just for them to flop

We all want good views on our videos, so I spent a lot of time learning and testing ways to get more views on TikTok videos

I came up with 11 different ways to boost video views on TikTok

  1. Post more often
  2. Use niched-down hashtags
  3. Get active on other people’s accounts
  4. Use evergreen content
  5. Use trending content
  6. Optimize your profile
  7. Use great hooks
  8. Always include a CTA
  9. Know what you are offering your viewers
  10. Go live
  11. Respond to all comments in the first two hours

You don’t have to do all of these, and you might not be able to in the beginning

But they all help a little so they add up if you do most of them

I would start with one or two, get good at it

Then I would add another one or two

If you try to do too much at once, you take the risk of burning out and stopping altogether

Post more often

The first thing you can do to improve your views is to start posting more

You may not get more views per video, but you will get more overall views

TikTok is a snowball platform too

That means that the more you put in consistently, the more momentum you will start to develop

Once things start moving, you will see improvement fast

For example, I tested posting 10 videos a day, 5 days a week

In the beginning, I maybe got one follower a day

That didn’t change much for the first three weeks

But then it started moving 

By the end of week six, I was getting 100-150 followers per day

I was able to go from 200 followers to 1200 in those six weeks

Now followers is not the same as views, but they do help and are a clear example that posting more will help

If you want to grow slowly, shoot for 1-5 posts a day

If you want to grow fast, shoot for 8-10 posts a day

Not all of them need to be edited gaming clips!

They could be you using gaming for a trending sound

Get creative and have fun!

Use niched-down hashtags

I see the hashtags that are used a lot and they are not helpful

Hashtags like #FYP do not help your videos

If they go viral, they would have without the hashtag or it was made by a huge creator

If you are struggling for views, do not use broad hashtags like that

Hashtags can be used for viewers to search for videos, but that isn’t the normal

Usually, viewers are just scrolling their FYP page

So the main purpose of hashtags is to tell TikTok what your video is about and who would like it

So add specific hashtags about the game you are playing, what you are doing, who enjoys watching the content, and details about you that are appropriate for the video

You want to get pretty specific!

The goal is to keep the hashtag views between 2000 and 1 million views

Too small and you won’t get a lot of traction

Too big and you’ll get lost (and it is likely that it isn’t specific enough)

If you really want larger hashtags, add one or two as long as it is still specific

After you write your caption, fill the rest of the available characters with hashtags

You can play around with that if you want to

Some people see better results with 2-6 hashtags

But it is rare that more hurts, but it can help!

Get active on other people’s accounts

TikTok is a very social community of people

The best way to become more known outside of creating more content is to become a recognized name in your niche

Find a few other creators that play the same game or create similar content

Get SUPER active on their videos

Like, comment, share, duet, stitch

Do it all

The more active you are, the more that creator and their followers will notice you

Once they notice you, curiosity will bring them to your page

This will increase both followers and views because you already know the creator and their followers are the right people for your videos

In addition, most creators will return the favor of engagement by going to your videos and engaging

This will boost your videos even more

Use evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that will be relevant today, tomorrow, and potential years from now

Your gaming clips can be evergreen content, or tips and tricks

Anything that requires you to teach your audience is evergreen content

While this kind of content usually takes a little time to make, it is long-lasting and can bring you more viewers for weeks, months, or even years

TikTok is a slow-release platform

That means that content doesn’t disappear as it does on other platforms

If you post something on Twitter, you probably won’t see any results from it for longer than 10 minutes

TikTok releases videos periodically to see if they will do better

There are times when TikTok releases a year-old video

So even if a video doesn’t do well, don’t delete it!

You never know when it will take off

Use trending content

Trending content is the opposite of evergreen content

Trending content is following the current trends

These videos have the potential to grow very quickly, but they also die out quickly

Trends can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks

And you might have to be creative to join some of them

Pay attention next time you are scrolling your FYP

If you notice the same sound used a lot, that sound is trending!

I recommend a few of these, but many sure that you have that evergreen content too

If an emergency happens and you can’t post for a while, your account will die out fast if you only post trending content

Optimize your profile

Another way to help TikTok figure out who to send your content to is by optimizing your profile

Add information and a bio that explains what you do

Add a website if you already have 1000 followers

Pin three posts to the top that are representative of your profile

Do everything you can to be very clear to TikTok about what you post and who will like your content

Use great hooks

The hook is extremely important for views

You have 5 seconds to convince someone to stay and watch your video

The more that people swipe away, the less TikTok will push out that video

So a hook could be the difference between a flop video and a successful video

The hook needs to be interesting enough that people will know that you have something valuable or cool coming

But doesn’t tell so much that the content of the video is spoiled

An example hook could be “5 tips to becoming a better Warzone player!”

They know that it will be valuable and they know what they are getting when they watch the video

But they still have to watch the video to get that value

Always include a CTA

CTA stands for Call To Action

It just means asking your viewers to do something

You can ask them with your voice or with a pop-up on the video

With most gaming clips, a pop-up will probably be easier

The most common TikTok CTA is “follow for more”

If you pay attention, you will hear a lot of creators end with that 

People need to be told what you want from them

But Follow for more isn’t the only option

You can ask people to:

  • Click the link in your bio
  • Comment something
  • Like
  • Super like (taping many times)
  • Go to your YouTube in your bio
  • Go to your Instagram in your bio
  • Save
  • Share

Anything that involved you asking your viewers to do something is a CTA

It is best to include one for every video

Try not to put more than one

A confused person does nothing

So many it is straightforward and simple!

Know what you are offering your viewers

Value is the reason someone is watching your video

If you are making a “5 tips…” video

The tips are the value

That means people should watch so they learn something

But value can be awesome gameplay, humor, a story, or more

If you cannot tell someone why they should watch your video, you need to reevaluate the value you are offering

If you can say something like “it gives good information!” or  “It will have you laughing until your side hurts!”

Then you have the value piece down

Knowing what you are offering is important for views because you don’t want to become known as a waste of time

You want people to start recognizing your name and watching even if they don’t like your hook because they know you put out good content

Go live

You can start going live once you reach 1000 followers

Going live has a lot of benefits:

  • Boosting your views
  • Attracting new followers
  • Being recommended by TikTok in the Live section
  • People can see that you are live when they find a different video

The biggest one is that your views are followers will get a boost when you go live

Not only do you get more views on your live, but TikTok also pushed out the content that you already published more when you are live

It is recommended to post right before you go live go you get the full benefits

You can stream on TikTok too, but it is a process

If you want to know more about that, read my article on it

Respond to all comments in the first two hours

The last thing you can do to boost views is ready to respond to any comments you get in the first two hours

If you go viral, this will be hard

But usually, you won’t have a problem responding to everyone within two hours of posting

TikTok sees this and thinks you are great at connecting with people

The more comments that you can go back and forth, the happier TikTok will be

And that means they will push out your content to more people


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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