13 Types of Gaming Content You Can Post on YouTube

It is important to have your niche down before starting on YouTube

You can expand later, but YouTube needs to know what to expect from you

Most people hear this and think their game is their niche

Yes and no

The content you post about the game is also part of that niche

Some possible content that you can post are:

  1. Walkthroughs
  2. Humor
  3. Stories
  4. Character profiles
  5. Tips and tricks
  6. Beginner tutorials
  7. Becoming a pro player
  8. Game updates and new game previews
  9. Montages
  10. Competitions
  11. Synchronized clips and music
  12. Creative ideas
  13. Trick shots and amazing moments

You want to pick 1-3 of these options starting out

Make sure that all the content is the same game too

The bigger you get, the less you need to worry about niching down

But as a new YouTuber, niching down is very important

Knowing the content that you want to post not only helps you niche down, but it also helps you plan your content

The more options you have when creating content, the harder it is to get it done

But if you know that you will be creating funny videos, montages, and tips, creating content gets a lot easier

To know what type of content you want to focus on, let’s get deeper into what each one is

This is not an exclusive list

There may be content types that I didn’t include

But these are the biggest options


Walkthroughs are any video that is walking you through something in the game

This could be completing a puzzle, or challenge, finding an item, or more

These are usually “how-to” videos

These are very popular videos because if you are struggling to do something, going to YouTube for help is usually the first thing to do

If your game has things you can get or do that no one has created a video on, that is a perfect walkthrough to post!

If there are other videos but they are not clear, that is also a good video to make

Walkthroughs usually get a lot of traffic, but they take a little more time to make

If you didn’t record yourself doing it the first time, you have to go through and do the quest again while recording it

You also need to add a voiceover to help people that are following along

The clearer the video the better

Keep in mind that people watching are probably following along on their game while watching you


People love to laugh

Creating funny videos is a great option for people who are naturally funny

If you aren’t naturally funny, be careful

Trying too hard to be funny can make your videos feel cheap

Humor can be done in many ways, but they end the same

Trying to make viewers smile and laugh


People also love stories

If you are a great storyteller, then this may be a great option for you

Once again, if you aren’t good at telling stories right now, maybe hold off or practice storytelling

It can be hard to keep attention throughout a story if you aren’t good at it

Some people can naturally keep an audience’s attention when telling a story

Other people, like me, struggle to stay on talk and not get sidetracked while telling the story

Character profiles

There are a lot of games where the goal is to get equipment for a character or to get really good at them

Diablo 3 is all about building a character

Super smash bros are about getting good with a character

Character profiles help viewers get better with the character they have chosen

These videos can show helpful tips for a specific character, or what the best build is for a character

These are great and popular, but they can take a lot of time to research and test

Especially for a game that requires hours and hours of grinding

Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks are another popular types of video

Everyone wants to improve their gameplay

When making a tips and tricks video, use odd numbers

Odd numbers catch more attention

Try to mix beginner tips and more advanced tips together

If someone watches your video and all 9 are unique and advanced tips…

They may get suspicious because they have never heard any of those tips before

If there are more common tips mixed in too, people will trust your word more naturally

Beginner tutorials

Beginner tutorials are videos made to help a new player get going

Starting something new can be scary

Games that are not online are easier to start, but getting talked down to on an online game can be discouraging to a new player

Beginner tutorials help those new players have everything they need to get going

Well except practice

Becoming a pro player

On the opposite, some viewers are already great at their game and they want to go pro

If you are a pro player, you can create videos on how to become a pro

These can be step-by-step videos, tips and tricks, secrets, or more

But the videos are made for people that want to be a pro player

Game updates and new game previews

Game updates and new game previews are very popular too, but they are content limited

That means you need to have an update or a new game to talk about in order to make these videos

If the game you are playing doesn’t get those a lot, creating content can be hard in this category


Montages are videos that like 3-5 similar videos and create one video with them

Most of the time, montages are exciting moments like headshots 

But you can go any direction with this 

The most important part is to keep the attention and use multiple videos to create your own video


Competition is any time you are putting one thing against the other

In Super smash bros, a competition could be putting 2 different level 99 bots against each other and seeing who wins

Competition would be you and a friend against each other, or you against other people

The biggest thing is that you need to hype up the competition and make viewers NEED to know who wins

Synchronized clips and music

If you are good with music, this is a fun one

You can create synchronized clips and music by choosing music that goes with your clips

They need to feel like they are made for each other

If you are playing  horror game, use scary or anxious music

When big moments happen in the game, big moments happen in the music too

You can do this with any game and music if you are creative 

Creative ideas

Creative ideas are great for games like Minecraft

If you build something creative and awesome, you can create a video on it

You can also choose a theme and create many ideas for one video

If you play a game that this works for and you are very creative, this may be a great option

Trick shots and amazing moments

Trick shots and amazing moments are like montages, except you only use one clip

Choose the moments that have something awesome and hype up that video

You want people to NEED to see what happens

So get excited

But be careful for to overhype

If people get too excited and get disappointed, that is not good for your channel


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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