9 Best Video Editing Software Options For Beginner YouTubers

One of the first major decisions that you need to make when you want to become a YouTuber is the tools that you want to use

That is what editing software is

It is a tool to help you clean up your videos and make them look better on YouTube

There are a lot of editing software options, but these are the most popular:

  1. Filmora
  2. Adobe Premiere Pro
  3. Clipbot
  4. DaVinci Resolve
  5. iMovie
  6. Final Cut Pro
  7. Cyberlink Powerdirector
  8. Lightworks
  9. Premiere Elements

Some of these options are free, some are paid

Others are very simple and great for beginners, and one is more complex with a large learning curve

Each one has positives and negatives and there isn’t a right answer

The right answer is choosing the one that best fits your needs and resources right now


Filmora is one of the best editing software options available

It has an easy setup for beginners to learn and enough features to make professionals happy

This is the editing software that we use and recommend

Filmora is a paid software, but you have three options

You can pay yearly, bi-yearly, or a lifetime fee

We paid the lifetime fee and it was very worth it

There is great customer service, learning resources for the beginner to use, and a simple layout to avoid overwhelm

There are no software options that are better so you don’t have to worry about outgrowing it

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe’s Premiere Pro is tied for first place with Filmora but for different reasons

You have more options and features with Adobe, but it is overwhelming and confusing for a beginner

If you are completely new to video editing, Premiere Pro is not my recommendation

It is made for professionals and you can tell

Adobe’s Premiere Pro is also a paid software

You can pay monthly or yearly

There isn’t a lifetime fee option


Clipbot isn’t really editing software, but it can do some editing for you if you are wanting to make TikToks or YouTube Shorts

Clipbot connects to your Twitch account and automatically creates clips to post on TikTok or YouTube Shorts

If you are short on time, this could be a good option for you

To read more about Clipbot, read this article

DaVinci Resolve

DaVinci Resolve is one of the best free editing software options

It can do a lot for being a free program

Keep in mind that customer service and resources will not be as great because it is a free software

It is also not as streamlined as the better paid options

Everything has a price

And that price is either time or money

So if you choose to spend more time instead of money, expect it to take longer to get the results that you want


iMovie is a common choice for iPhone users that are starting on YouTube

It works best for videos that are recorded on your phone, so your stream downloads are a little harder

But still possible

If you don’t want complex edits and mostly work from your phone, this is a good free option

I have talked to many creators that use it

Basically, they all say that it gets the job done well enough but not anything special

Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is another software for Apple users

It is a paid software with pretty good reviews

You get a tutorial to teach you how to do the most common things in the software so that will help beginners a lot

It is fast and consistent

If you have a mac, this may be the best choice for you

Cyberlink Powerdirector

Cyberlink Powerdirector is another popular editing software

It isn’t really made for professionals, but it would take a while for a beginner to outgrow it

It is also a paid software

It has fewer features than some professional editors, but it has what you need to start creating content

It is easy and fast to use

Overall, Cyberlink Powerdirector has very good reviews for beginners


Lightworks is one of my least favorite options

It is decent for beginners, but it is more expensive than other software options that have better reviews if you want more features than the free option gives you

There are a lot of features available in Lightworks to make beautiful professional videos

If you are completely new to editing, this could be a good beginner option for you

But you will outgrow it pretty fast if you only use the free version

Premiere Elements

Premiere Elements is the less expensive and less complex version of Premiere Pro by Adobe

Even though it isn’t as well known, Premiere Elements is a better choice for beginners than Premiere Pro

But also helps you transition to Premiere Pro later if that is the goal

Premiere Elements has decent reviews and will get the job done

Adobe likes to update their software features often so there are new and fun features on Premiere Elements usually once a year

It is simple with a clear interface

You will grow out of it but will help you get going fast


In conclusion, there are so many video editing software choices out there

There is no one-size-fits-all option

You just need to look at your skill, goals, and budget to find the right one for you

Keep in mind that you are not married to any choice

If you start with free software now, you can choose to upgrade any time that you are ready

Or you try one and just hate it

You can switch

I do encourage you to give yourself at least a couple of weeks before judging if you hate a software

Learning a new skill is hard

Software can make that process easier, but it will still be hard

Give yourself time and grace

You got this!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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