9 Reasons TikTok is a Great Place For Video Game Fans

There are a lot of reasons that TikTok is a great place for gamers

  1. More than half the video views on TikTok are on gaming content
  2. The top 100 gaming hashtags have more than 40 Billion views every month
  3. People come to TikTok to be entertained 
  4. The algorithm is exceptional at finding the right videos for people
  5. People connect in closer ways
  6. TikTok had more watch hours than YouTube in 2020 and 2021
  7. Every game is on TikTok
  8. Most creators have a YouTube or a stream to join
  9. The TikTok community is unique

Even if you are just a fan and haven’t started streaming yet, there is so much amazing content waiting for you

There are creators for every game, every style, and every personality out there

And if you want to join them as a creator, there is room for you!

More than half the video views on TikTok are on gaming content

TikTok announced that half the video views on TikTok are gaming content

That is huge!!!

Gaming is such a large and supportive niche

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, you are welcome somewhere in the gaming community

Yes, there are groups within the niche that are jerks

But that is true everywhere

Since there are so many views, streamers are rushing to get their TikTok account going

And there is room for more

If you are a streamer that wants to grow, you know that your audience is there

If you are a player and want to be entertained, there are creators and videos waiting for you

There is a spot for every gamer that is willing to give TikTok a shot

The top 100 gaming hashtags have more than 40 Billion views every month

This is just more evidence to support that there are people ready to watch gaming content on TikTok

Just the top 100 gaming hashtags have more than 40 billion views every month

There are so many different hashtags that weren’t included in that huge number

The audience is there

People come to TikTok to be entertained 

The main goal for gamers on TikTok is different than the main goal of YouTube

Most people know what they want to watch on YouTube

It is a search engine

They searched for what they want

When people get on TikTok, they are looking to be entertained

There is no specific motive or something that they want to see

They just want to see great content that they enjoy

And it is the algorithm’s job to figure out what videos should go to each person

Every user’s TikTok is completely different

A creator that is on my For You Page is never on my husband’s FYP

Be entertaining to the people you want to attract and the algorithm will figure it out

The algorithm is exceptional at finding the right videos for people

The TikTok algorithm is incredible

It is exceptional at taking content and putting it in front of people that are a good fit

There are hundreds of thousands of posts on TikTok every day, but the algorithm is able to separate people into different sections

And it is rarely wrong

When I first joined TikTok, I wasn’t impressed

I didn’t like any of the content that I was seeing

It only took a couple of hours for the algorithm to change that

And all I need to do is get active on videos in a specific genre to see more of that content to

People connect in closer ways

TikTok is a special community

There are jerks just like everywhere else, but it isn’t normal on TikTok

It is encouraged to make fun of people who are being mean for no reason

People run to each other’s aid on TikTok

If you are going to start on a platform, I recommend TikTok just because you will be absorbed into the community that you find and build there

TikTok had more watch hours than YouTube in 2020 and 2021

YouTube is the video platform

If you are thinking about watching a video about something, you assume YouTube

I literally call it “YouTubing something”

If I want to learn how to do a stitch in crochet, I think to myself that I need to “YouTube that”

Even with that fact, TikTok passed YouTube in total watch time in 2020 and 2021

There are no final numbers about 2022 at the time of writing this

If you are a streamer, that should get you excited!

There is so much room for growth on TikTok

YouTube still leads in many ways, but TikTok is not far behind

Every game is on TikTok

It is likely that you’ll find some kind of content about every good game

If it is a decent game, there is probably a streamer on TikTok posting their clips

That freedom of choice is fun and freeing for a video game fan

No matter what you are into, there are groups of people ready for you to join them

Most creators have a YouTube or a stream to join

When you connect with someone that you like, you are probably going to want more from them

A majority of TikTok creators have another platform that you can join them on

Those platforms are usually YouTube, Instagram, and a website

If you are following a streamer, that website is probably where you can join them live

TikTok was created for finding new people, but platforms that you go live on are the best place to build a community of people that enjoy interacting with you

The TikTok community is unique

If you have spent any time on multiple social media, you would know that each one has rules

Instagram is a very polished platform full of people that are done up and look amazing

Facebook is for connecting with people that have the same interest in groups and maybe becoming friends online

YouTube is very honest and can afford to be picky about who succeeds 

Pinterest is mostly women sharing ideas and tricks

But TikTok is built on connecting people when they are at their realist

You see a lot of women without their hair and makeup done

You see the mistakes and the messy houses

There is more freedom to be yourself on TikTok

One of the largest creators on TikTok is Elise Meyers

She is a very popular creator just because of how reliable she is

People connect with her as a person

With all that freedom, you are able to show up as yourself

Relax and enjoy the community!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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