9 Reasons You Should Be on TikTok As a Video Game Streamer

As a streamer, your income depends on your traffic

That is the number one reason why streamers should be on TikTok

Tiktok is a great platform to post videos to gain more viewers during your live stream. The organic potential is amazing and the community that you build there is powerful. Every platform is copying TikTok right now which means repurposing videos is very easy

TikTok is a newer platform

And it is so different that many of the other platforms didn’t take them serious

That was until TikTok viewers exploded and even passed YouTube in watch time in 2020

Anyone that is trying to gain viewers needs to consider TikTok

Do gamers use TikTok?

Gaming dominates every platform that has video capability

I think the only one that doesn’t have a lot of gaming is Pinterest

Over half the video views on TikTok are of gaming content!

So yes, gamers use TikTok

There are 9 reasons you should be on TikTok as a streamer

  1. Great organic potential
  2. You can direct people to Twitch and YouTube
  3. Videos are quick to make
  4. Videos last a long time
  5. Momentum is simple to build
  6. You can repurpose videos everywhere
  7. Chance to show more personality
  8. You don’t need to learn SEO
  9. Great ROI

I am sure there are more reasons, but these are specifically important for streamers to think about

Great organic potential

TikTok has incredible potential for free traffic

There are two kinds of traffic online:

  1. Organic (free)
  2. Paid

There are usually pros and cons to both

Free traffic is free but harder to get

Paid traffic costs money but is easier to get

TikTok through that idea out the window by making free traffic easy to get

There are times when people go viral on their first video and get a ton of traffic and followers!

It is rare though

Even though it is rare to go viral on your first video, it is not rare to get traffic

Even if you only get 200 views per video, that is 200 eyeballs that you are not paying for that now know who you are

On every other platform, that is amazing traffic for someone with a new account!

If you are willing to put in the time and effort to get momentum on your TikTok account, you will see a lot of traffic going where you send it

As a streamer, you could be sending that traffic to your live stream

You can direct people to Twitch and YouTube

The TikTok profile allows you to connect your TikTok profile to your Instagram and YouTube right away

And then you can add a link after you have 1000 TikTok followers

That link can be a link tree or just your Twitch channel

People are naturally curious

If they like your videos, they will click on your profile

If they really like your content, they will stalk you online

That means that they will watch everything you have on every platform

Most TikTok viewers are silent observers

They could be watching every video that you have and you won’t know it

So even if you don’t have a lot of engagement right away, keep posting and keep the links to your YouTube and Twitch available

You would be surprised how much traffic comes from TikTok viewers that you didn’t even know were there

Videos are quick to make

YouTube and TikTok are the top platforms for streamers right now

Apart from live streaming on Twitch

One of the major downfalls of YouTube is that videos can take a long time to edit

Even a 10-minute video takes a long time

But TikTok is short-form content

That means that most content that you put on TikTok will be less than one minute long

It is possible to do longer videos, but they are not as successful as usually

It is better to start with 40 seconds or less until you learn how to keep the viewer’s attention for longer

The flip side to this is that you have to post a lot more on TikTok to get good momentum

YouTube can gain momentum on one or two videos a week

But TikTok needs at least one video a day 

And even then you might not get momentum

When I was going for my first 1000 followers, I posted on TikTok 10 times a day

3 or 4 of those videos were meaty content

And the rest were more trendy and fun content

So even though videos don’t take as long, you do need to post more

Videos last a long time

One great thing about TikTok as a social media is how long the videos stay in rotation

When you post on Facebook, you are amazed if a video is seen for a week

That has changed a little with Reels since all the platforms are copying TikTok

But TikTok videos can cycle for months or even years!

They are often slow to start and long-lasting

This means you should NOT delete a video just because it didn’t take off in a couple of days

You never know when it will take off

So unless it breaks community standards or goes against your brand, leave it to do its thing!

Momentum is simple to build

When I first wrote this point, I said that momentum is easy to build

I changed it to simply because it is simple, but not always easy

The more you post on TikTok and interact with other people that are similar to you, the more momentum will grow

The goal is to post 10 times a day if you want to grow fast

And interact with other people (like and comment) for at least 10 minutes a day

Don’t be the invisible lurker

The more active you are, the more other creators and their followers will notice you

The longer you do this, the more you will see that momentum grow

I did this for about 6 weeks and that momentum went from maybe one follower a day to several hundred a day

Without going viral

I posted more and way longer on platforms like Facebook and never did grow momentum without paying

You can repurpose videos everywhere

TikTok blew up in popularity so fast that it messed up the plan that all other platforms have

The ultimate goal of every platform is to get as many eyes as they can and then make money off those eyes

Since TikTok is mainly an organic platform and completely different than everything else, TikTok disrupted all the plans of the other platforms

Then they all had to catch up

Suddenly Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest had short-form content

But they are still chasing TikTok

The trends that happen on TikTok, happen to the other platforms next

If you take your video URL and put it into snaptik.app, you can take off the watermark and upload your videos on any other platform

It literally takes an extra two minutes and you can start getting more viewers on other platforms

YouTube is a great choice for that because many streamers are growing there anyways

Chance to show more personality

YouTube is great for streamers, but it is a search engine

There isn’t a ton of room for streamers to show personality outside of voiceovers and text on the screen

TikTok is different

You want to be showing personality on TikTok because that is how people connect to you

TikTok grew during a global pandemic when people needed human connection

That is the foundation that TikTok grew on

So post funny videos or trending videos even if you don’t use game clips

You can be your niche on TikTok and people will love it!

If you look at all the successful gaming TikTok accounts, you will see a face or a hand

That is because people are looking for connection and TikTok is perfect for that

You don’t need to learn SEO

YouTube is excellent for streamers, but SEO is vital for success there because YouTube is a search engine, not a social media

TikTok is a social media

Yes, there are things you can add to your video with a strategy to increase views (like hashtags)

But it is completely possible to have a viral video as a newbie on TikTok without any SEO help

That is because TikTok depends on an algorithm

The longer people watch your video, the more views you will get

The algorithm learns what you are posting about by the content, hashtags, and caption

And then sends that content to people that have shown interest in it before

Every once in a while, they will send out your older videos to see if people are more interested in them now

You don’t depend on SEO as you do on Google or YouTube

You just depend on how much content you create and how much people connect to that content

Great ROI

ROI is Return on Investment

If you are a streamer, you are a business owner

Its just the way that things are

There are two kinds of investments that you can make as a business owner

  1. Money
  2. Time

With TikTok, most of your investment will be time

TikTok has a great Return on investment

I know people that got enough traffic to start streaming full-time just because they were posting content on TikTok

Nothing is guaranteed, but the potential of TikTok is amazing

Always look at the things you spend time and money on for your stream

And then look at what you get for those things

Don’t do things because you are supposed to 

Do things that give you a great ROI

That is how you grow as a business owner without getting burnt out


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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