Are Gaming YouTube Channels Worth It?

There are a lot of gaming channels on YouTube, but that does not mean there isn’t room for a new channel to succeed. 

We see new people starting channels and building them to great success all the time!

Creating a new gaming YouTube channel is worth it if you are willing to find your unique offer and worth through the learning process. You need to get started, test out content, and learn from the mistakes that you will make.

One thing to remember is that there may be many people doing what you want to do, but you are the only you

Before you can dig into that, you need to decide what a successful YouTube channel looks like to you

It will be different for everyone!

You can’t truly decide if a gaming YouTube channel is worth it without knowing what you want from it

Most people want to make money to feel successful, so that will be the focus here

But there are other goals that you can reach for too!

Before you can go after and reach your goals, you need to make your goals

What are the goals for your channel?

When creating goals for your channel, you need to really dream

This goal will be the anchor that keeps you going when things get hard

When you think about the perfect future with your YouTube channel, what do you see?

It could be one or more of these:

  • 5000 people funneling from YouTube to my Twitch Streams per month
  • 100k Subscribers on YouTube that are active on my videos
  • $4000 a month from YouTube views
  • The most well-known [fill in the blank] gamer on YouTube 

These are just ideas to get you going

What makes you excited to get started on your YouTube channel?

Write those goals down and try to get specific like I did above

Write a specific number of people or a specific income

The more specific your goals, the better you will be able to see the progress you make towards them

Once you have an idea of what you want to achieve, then it is time to break those huge goals into smaller goals

I like to break my big goals into 4-6 smaller goals

For example, if your goal is to make $4000 a month with your YouTube channel alone, break that into goals to first monetize your channel, then make $1k, then $2k, then $3k, and finally $4k a month

When you reach these goals, you get a boost to keep going towards that big goal!

Do gaming YouTubers make good money?

Dreams are great, but do gaming YouTubers make good money?

Are those goals even possible?

Well, let’s look at the numbers

YouTube pays you for two things:

  1. Views on videos with advertisements
  2. Click on advertisements

I particular amount is given to you per 1000 ad views

Remember that not everyone that watches your videos will watch the ad

This is not the same for everyone and depends on your niche

You will also get paid when someone watching your videos clicks on an advertisement

On average, YouTube Channels get $4 per 1000 views

Once you are making money, you can figure out your numbers, but this is just to get an idea

Think about your favorite gaming YouTube channel

I will give grab a couple to help you look at your favorites

iiTzTimmy posted 6 videos this week and got a total of 532k views for those videos (at the time of writing this)

Using the average of $4 per 1000 views, he might have made over $2000 this week alone

See how that works?

Let’s look at a smaller account

I am only looking at accounts with over 1000 subscribers because that is what you need to be monetized on YouTube

Cnoteracts made 15 videos this week and got a total of a little over 1k views

Using the average, he might have gotten paid $4

As you can see, there is a huge range of income you can make on YouTube

Keep in mind that I did not account for the age of the channel, number of subscribers, or anything like that

I just wanted to show you how to see what others are doing

Take a look at your favorite YouTubers and compare them with ones you don’t like

What works for them and what doesn’t

Get inspired that your goals are possible and remember that it will take time and learning to reach those goals

Are Gaming Youtube Channels Worth It

How long does it take to be successful on YouTube?

We have already talked about how everyone has a different idea of what success is

So let’s focus on the first goal, starting to make money!

In order to start getting monetized by YouTube, you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time within 12 months

Reaching this goal depends completely on you!

It depends on your skill and how often you post

I have seen people get monetized by YouTube in 4 months

If you learn and practice your skills as a YouTube content creator, 6-8 months is a relaxed goal to get monetized. Some people get it faster, and some people get it slower.

Being consistent, learning SEO, and learning from your mistakes are VERY important to your success on YouTube.

My advice to set yourself up for success on YouTube is to just get started

If you start posting once a week and want to go faster, post more often

Don’t just jump in at 5 times a week though

Creating good content is important!

Start smaller and grow if you have more time to work on your channel

Get inspiration from other creators (DON’T Copy them though!)

If you work hard and learn as you go, you could be making $2-4k a month in two or three years

It just depends on you!

If you want to know more about growing on YouTube, check out this post on getting your gaming channel noticed!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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