How To Convert Twitch Clips to TikTok (For Beginners)

How To Convert Twitch Clips to TikTok (For Beginners)

There are two major kinds of videos you can create with your streams

  1. Long-form video
  2. Short-form video

Clips are normally short-form videos that are 60 seconds or less

Clips are great with Reels, TikToks, Facebook Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

There are two ways to convert Twitch videos to TikToks: software or manually. The software is faster, but manual has more creative freedom for your clips. There are ways to directly post clips to TikTok, but it may be wiser to do it manually too. 

I will be going over the different options for creating short-form videos from the recordings you have of your streams, and I will go over the ways to post those videos on social media

Lastly, I will talk about formatting your videos in a way that will help your TikTok video succeed on the platform so you get the traffic you want to your live streams

How do you extract clips from Twitch?

There are multiple ways to get clips from your streams to post on TikTok

There are three examples here that work really well

OBS highlighter

OBS highlighter is a plugin for OBS that help you create clips when you want it to

You set it up in the back end of the plugin

Start by choosing a key that you never use to be the “capture” key

Then decide how many seconds you want the plugin to capture and save when you press that key

For example: If you set it to 60 seconds, it will save the last 60 seconds before you pressed the capture key and save it as a clip

Then you can download it, edit it for TikTok, and post it on your account


Outplayed does the same thing as OBS highlighter, except you can set it to capture things automatically

Outplayed is used more commonly than OBS highlighter

You can set it to capture specific things when they happen automatically

Like kills or headshots

You can create a capture key too, but it makes it a little more automated so you have less to worry about while streaming

Manually making clips

You can also just take your entire stream recording and manually make clips

This option takes more time but gives you full creative freedom

We do a mixture of Outplayed and manual

You can always combine many clips that outplayed captured and manually create a TikTok with it

Can you post twitch clips directly to TikTok?

Once you have the video, you can either edit the horizontal and make it vertical in your editing software, or you can use a tool

Some tools allow you to post the TikTok automatically after you use their software

Streamladder or Crossclip

Streamladder and Crossclip is a software that will take your video and make it vertical without losing your camera in the clip

They both do the same things so choose the one you like more

You can either upload a clip or put the URL of a Twitch clip 

It is free to use and doesn’t have a watermark

First, you choose a layout that includes where your stream camera goes, then you choose what area of the clip will show in the vertical video, then you can add stickers

Once you are done, you can choose to download your video or post it directly onto your TikTok account

Manual posting

We like to fully edit our TikToks and then manually post them 

We do this because it is easier to control what is happening with your TikTok account

It is also safer to have your videos downloaded instead of just directly posting them

This is all preference so test out both and see what you like more!

How do you make a TikTok from a twitch clip?

Now you know how to create a TikTok from your stream and how to post it

But there is one more important thing you need to know

How to format your videos

Videos have three distinct parts:

  • The hook
  • The content
  • The CTA

When we think about creating videos, it is easy to forget the hook and the CTA (Call-to-action)

But here is a secret, all three are important to maximize your results


Content is the value, or “meat”, of your video

Whatever the goal of the video is, this is when you meet that goal

If the purpose of the video is to teach your audience how to do a specific headshot in your game…

Teaching them to do that is the content

The content part of your video should aim for 30-40 seconds for a TikTok, but there is some flexibility depending on what you choose for the hook and CTA 


The hook is the first 3-5 seconds of your video that makes people stay for the video

This is one of the most important parts of your video

The hook can be text on the screen, spoken, or in the caption

If you choose to do a caption hook, try to do something with it because many people don’t look at the caption right away

Hooks can be something like “I was shocked when I made this headshot!”

Or “three tips to get better at headshots in APEX”

Whatever the hook is, make sure you give what you promise in the content

Little secret, you can post the same content and test out different hooks

The same content will range greatly in success based on the success of your hooks


CTA stands for Call-to-Action

This is asking your audience to do something at the end of your video

A CTA can be spoken, text on screen, or in the caption

Try to keep it about 5 seconds

Using a CTA is important to get your watchers to do what you want

If you are trying to reach your first 1k followers, a great CTA is “follow for more”

But you can ask people to do many things like:

  • Like
  • Share
  • Comment
  • Follow
  • Click the link in your bio
  • Check YouTube in your bio
  • Duet
  • Anything that requires action

Confused people do nothing

So it is important to choose one CTA 

Now you know how to make a TikTok!

Remember that some videos will do great and others will not

Just keep posting!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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