How To Create Gaming Content For TikTok: Step By Step

Learning a new skill is always scary, but TikTok is a fun platform to learn and explore!

Creating content for TikTok as a streamer can take a little time when you are new, but it is simple

Most of the time comes from watching the video to make sure you are happy with it and learning how to use your editor in the beginning

The more you practice, the faster you get

The first thing you need when creating a gaming TikTok is the gaming clip you want to use. Add it to your editor and cut out anything you don’t want in the final video. Change the dimensions to make the video vertical, add transitions, and add text. Make sure you like it and that’s it!

It is very simple, but expect to spend time when you are learning

But the more you practice, the faster you will get

Since the videos you post on TikTok are 60 seconds or less, they take less time to edit than a longer video for YouTube

Give yourself grace while you learn

Everyone starts somewhere

Why TikTok is great for streamers and gamers

TikTok is one of the best platforms right now (2020-2022)

It has amazing organic potential, a great community, and a lot of people watching gaming content

Since most other platforms are copying TikTok as well, it has become a trendsetter

That means that repurposing your content is really easy

Just take the watermark off the videos you post, or post the original that you edited, on other platforms

Vertical videos are doing excellent on every platform right now, but TikTok started it

So TikTok is one step ahead of other platforms

TikTok also stated that half of their watch time is coming from gaming content

That is perfect for gamers and streamers!

It doesn’t matter what game you play or who you are trying to reach

They are probably on TikTok

Step by step to creating gaming content for TikTok

You are ready to start editing!

If you are completely new to editing and you don’t have software yet, check out this article on some of your options

To keep things simple, I broke my system into 9 steps

You can always add more, but this alone will give you nice TikToks at the end

The process is:

  1. Record your screen while playing
  2. Download content
  3. Open your video editor
  4. Add gaming clips and order them
  5. Cut out any unneeded video
  6. Change your horizontal video to a vertical video
  7. Add transitions
  8. Add layers
  9. Watch through and download

Don’t step any of these steps! 

Even step 9 because it can seem like a waste of time

But trust me

Do step 9 too

Record your screen while playing

The first thing you need is content that you can edit and post

We use Outplayed by Overwolf to record our games

You should have that going every time you play

You never know when something is going to happen that you want to post

And you can come up with a TikTok idea after you already have them recorded and already have the gameplay to create that video

You don’t have to download every screen recording and every time you play, but you should have it recorded

It is better to not need it and have it than to need it and not have it!

You can set Outplayed to separately save specific clips too

This makes your work later WAY easier because a lot of time is spent looking through videos for the part you want in your TikTok

Set the automatic clips and set the trigger button

The trigger button saved 60 seconds before you push it

That way you can quickly save a clip that you want to use later without having to find it in a long recorded stream

Download content

Now that you have all your content recorded, now you need to choose one or more clips that you want to post on TikTok

Shoot for about 40 seconds of content

You can do that with one clip

Or you can do a montage of clips

Look in the top left corner of Outplayed and look for a folder icon

This should bring you to all your recorded content

When you find the clips that you want to use, look at the right side of the video and click on the three dots

A drop-down menu will appear

Select “download” from that menu

This will download the clip that you choose to your computer

That is what you need to add to your editor to create the video for TikTok!

Open your video editor

If you have already chosen and downloaded your video editor, this is a very simple step!

All you have to do is open your editor and create a new project

If you don’t have an editor yet, then you need to choose one before you can continue

If you want to look at some great options, check out my post on 9 different editor options

Add gaming clips and order them

Once you have a new project open, now you need to upload the clips that you downloaded before

I use Filmora so it may look different if you use a different editor

But it should be similar

Click the “Drop your video clips, images, or audio here” and select the clips that you have in your download folder

Once they are all uploaded, start dragging them to the second line of the editor portion

This is when you are going to put them in order

When you add the video, it will ask you if you want to keep the resolution the same or change it

Just keep the original video specs

Once you have added all the clips in the order you want them, it is time to move on to the next step

Cut out any unneeded video

Once you have all your clips in order, now it is time to start cutting away the parts that you don’t want in the final video

TikTok is a fast-moving platform

So don’t keep any dead time until you master keeping your viewer’s attention and building anticipation

To cut some time out, pause the video at the moment you want to cut

If it is at the beginning of the video, pause the video at the end of the clip that you want to be cut

If it is at the end of the video, pause at the beginning of the clip that you want to cut

You will need to pause at the beginning and end of the clip that you want to cut

Once you have the video paused, click the scissors icon

This appears twice in Filmora

One is the large orange button and the other is with all the other icons

Once you have the clip that you want to cut separate from the rest, select it, right-click, and select delete

You can also select the clip and press delete on your keyboard

Keep doing this until the only clips left are the ones you want in your final video

Don’t get too stuck here with the details

Do the best you can, but don’t let yourself spend too much time here

Change your horizontal video to a vertical video

Once you have the base video cut and cleaned, I like to change the dimensions next

Right now you have a horizontal video and those do not do well on TikTok

They can, but it is way better to just make your video vertical

In Filmora, there is an icon that looks like a computer

Select that and select changing video ratio

Change the video dimensions to 1080px by 1920px

Then you need to zoom the video so it fits in the new shape instead of having the black space above and below your video

To learn more about this, check out my article on changing the dimensions of your video

Add transitions

Now that you have the core video done, you need to start making look nicer and more engaging

If you did any cutting, transitions can be very helpful for making your clips flow together better

To add transitions, go to the transitions tap on your editor

There will be different options depending on what you use

Since I use Filmora, these are the options I have

I can click one to get a preview of what it looks like

Once you find one that you like, drag it between the two clips that you want to blend together

The transition is automatically pretty long, but you can shorten it when your mouse changes at either end of the white rectangle

Be careful not to overdo transitions

It is easy to do

Sometimes crazy is fun

But sometimes simple is best

Add layers

Now you have your main video done and you have it working together

Now add text and pop-ups to make your video more interesting and engaging

Assume that most people will watch your video with the sound off

Add captions if needed or anything else that replaces the value that the sound offers

It’s ok if it looks a little comic book-like with “BAM” or BOOM” appearing briefly on the screen 

Just add layers until someone without the sound on will enjoy it as much as someone with the sound on would

To add these layers, you can choose the “Titles” tab or the “Elements” tab

They do different things

Play around with what you have available and add layers until you are happy with how it looks

Watch through and download

You are almost done!

Now you have added everything you want to your video

Time to watch it all the way through to make sure there are no missed details

Don’t get too crazy or stuck on perfect, but doing a final check is always helpful

It is even better if you can do this check a few hours after you finish the other steps

This gives you fresh eyes to do your final check


You have a video ready for TikTok!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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