How To Edit Stream Highlights To Post On YouTube

One of the best ways to capture the attention of new and old viewers is by creating highlight videos and montages

These videos take your best moments and put them together for a remix of awesome

You can edit stream highlights for YouTube by keeping track of the best moments of your stream, cutting out the dead space, and then putting them together with an editing program like Filmora. Add a statement in the beginning that makes viewers watch to watch and the video will keep them engaged.

When you think of videos on YouTube, you will likely think of two different types

  1. Tutorials that help you learn
  2. Montages that show off another player

Highlights are the videos that highlight the skills of the streamer

This is your time to show off your skills!

Just make sure you don’t make promises at the beginning of the video and do not keep them

Clickbait is only okay if you make good on your promises

How do you make stream highlights for YouTube?

A stream highlight can be one clip that was extra awesome from your stream or a montage of clips that go together

The important part is highlighting a part of your stream that is exciting or cool

These videos are made to give people a glimpse of what they might see if they joined you live or to show a specific theme 

YouTube has two different options for highlight videos:

  • YouTube videos
  • YouTube shorts

Both are effective for getting new traffic if done currently, but the longer videos are often more targeted because they depend more on SEO

YouTube shorts are getting better at their algorithm but it isn’t perfect yet

YouTube videos are any video that is longer than 1 minute

These are the videos you probably think of when I say “YouTube videos”

Good things about the longer videos are:

  • You can add more content to one video
  • You have more time to build a connection with the viewer
  • There are more SEO options
  • They get ranked higher when people search for videos

Bad things about them are:

  • There may be high competition 
  • You need to do SEO research
  • You need to keep a viewer’s attention longer
  • You need to test to find out what the sweet spot for length is

YouTube shorts are fairly new and were created because of how successful TikTok was

YouTube shorts are videos that are less than 1 minute and they go into their own section on YouTube

They may be found in search, but they aren’t as prioritized

Good things about Shorts are:

  • YouTube is pushing them out while they are new
  • You don’t have to keep attention very long
  • The algorithm will learn what people like and show them your videos
  • You can reuse TikToks if you take off the watermark

Bad things about them are:

  • The algorithm isn’t great yet
  • The hook is extremely important to get attention
  • They aren’t as targeted to your ideal audience

Remember that these videos have different formats too

You want a horizontal highlight for longer videos and a vertical highlight for shorts

This is easy to do in an editing software

In my opinion, the best choice is to take the best parts of your stream and make both longer videos and shorts

What is the purpose of highlight videos?

Highlight videos are excellent for showing people what to expect from you and your stream

The more people know, like, and trust you… 

The more likely they are to follow you

So try to have fun with your highlights, but also be consistent

If you post about a new game every time, people will be confused

And confused people do nothing

You make money as a streamer by getting traffic

And YouTube is one powerful way to bring more traffic to your stream

You can even stream on YouTube if you wanted to

Think about highlights like a commercial

You are showing enough to make people want to join you, but not so much that there is no mystery left

Can I upload a Twitch highlight video to YouTube?

Twitch can create highlights too

You can download these just like other videos on Twitch

When viewing your videos, look for the three dots next to the highlight

Click on them and select “Download”

Once you have it downloaded, then you need to edit it

You don’t have to edit but adding visuals and changing the format can make a huge difference

If you are creating a short, not everyone watches with sound

So make the video dimensions 1080 x 1920 pixels and add visuals like words to make the short more engaging

If you have a 2-minute highlight or you want to put highlights together, you don’t need to change the dimensions but adding visuals is still a good idea

Remember that these videos are your stream’s commercials

That means you want them to represent your stream effectively and make people want to come back again and again

You want people to become loyal followers on YouTube and join your live stream

That means that you need to put effort into your videos

Thankfully, you should already have the content for your videos

You get that every time you stream!

Now you just need to clean them up and add to them

You want layers that ask people to subscribe to your channel

If you can grow your YouTube and Twitch, you can get paid for both

So make sure that you ask for those likes and subscriptions!

Don’t worry if you get dislikes

They don’t really matter unless you get a lot of them

You would need enough to make YouTube question your content

But some people will dislike your stuff

The bummer part about YouTube is it is easy for viewers to show that dislike

Focus on the good

Learn what people like

Keep creating content

And keep asking people to subscribe and join your live streams!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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