How To Make Gaming Videos For TikTok

Tiktok is a powerful platform for traffic right now and gaming a huge part of the watch time 

Making TikTok videos is not difficult, but it does have specific points you need. TikToks need to be vertical instead of horizontal. This will cut off some of the screen, but it will do better on the platform. You also need a hook, content, and a CTA. That is all you need to get started!

TikTok is a short video platform, and YouTube is a long video platform

YouTube has shorts out now, but they are not as refined as the TikTok algorithm yet

TikTok is a powerful platform to get organic traffic to your YouTube or Stream

Once you get your first 1k followers, you can link your stream where the website goes and get that traffic to your Twitch

There are 2 important parts of making a TikTok:

  • They need to be vertical
  • They need a solid format

We use Filmora to edit TikToks which makes the vertical part very easy

You just need to make the video 1080×1920

This is the perfect size for a TikTok

Then you need to create content that will capture attention, satisfy, and then direct watchers to do something

Keep reading and I’ll help you do that!

Can TikTok be used for gaming?

Before you put work into any platform, you need to decide if it’s worth the work

Is you ideal audience on TikTok?

We know that TikTok has a large gaming audience

We can see that from doing hashtag research

For example:

  • #GamingTikTok has 3.5 Billion views, 
  • #TikTokGaming has 22.8 Billion Views, 
  • #GamingOnTikTok has 18.3 Billion views
Is TikTok Gaming worth it

Those are just a few of the gaming hashtags!

But it is important to look a little deeper

What game/games will you be streaming?

Are people on TikTok that enjoy those games?

Finding out is quick and simple

Choose the game and type it into the search

Then click on hashtags

Many hashtags will pop up, and they will have estimated views next to them

What do you think?

Is your audience on TikTok?

Keep in mind that those big hashtags are very competitive

You’ll want to choose mostly smaller hashtags that you won’t get buried in when you start to post

Shoot for hashtags with less than 1 million views that match your video

How do you make gaming TikToks?

When making your videos, you will need three parts to every video

  1. The Hook
  2. The content
  3. A call-to-action (CTA)

Each part is very important for the success of your videos, but they will take time to test and see what your audience likes!

I like to start with the content before building the hook and CTA

So let’s start there!


The content is the part of the video that gives value

There are many ways to give value (see the next section for examples)

But this is the meat of your video

You want to shoot for about 30-40 seconds max for the content part of your video

The content can be the video itself, text on the screen, or a mixture


The hook is the first 3-5 seconds of your video

This is what catches the watcher’s attention and makes them watch your video

Pay attention to what makes you stop on a gaming video and gain inspiration from their hooks

A hook can be spoken, text, or in the caption


The last thing you need is a call-to-action

People need you to tell them what you want next, or they will likely do nothing

The most simple CTA is “Follow for more” at the end of your video

But you can ask for anything!

Ask them to:

  • Like
  • Follow
  • Comment
  • Visit the link in your bio
  • Visit YouTube in your bio
  • Share with a friend
  • Duet

Anything that you ask watchers to do at the end is a CTA

A CTA can be spoken, text on screen, in the sound, or in the caption

What are good things to post on TikTok?

There are so many options for good content on TikTok

Different audiences like different things 

You could provide:

  1. Humor/relatable content, 
  2. Impressive skills/moments, 
  3. Shocking moments, 
  4. Game updates, 
  5. Gaming tips, 
  6. Responding to comments, 
  7. Gaming versions of trending music, 
  8. Evergreen content, 
  9. Reasons you got banned, 
  10. Character comparisons
  11. Secrets people don’t know

Decide what you want to be known for and what you want to offer

You don’t have to decide on only one, but try not to choose more than 5

You have a lot of freedom here

Test things out and see what works

Your content should be something you and your audience both enjoy

Look at the videos that do really well for you

Remember that just because it works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you

What kinds of content are the videos that do well?

Try doing more of that

Why should you post your gaming videos on TikTok?

TikTok is a great second source of traffic to your stream

TikTok has amazing amounts of organic traffic right now which is valuable for any business

If you are a making money from Twitch, that traffic is how you increase your income!

Many people many the mistake of depending on one source of traffic for their business

It is painful when something happens because there is nothing to fall back on

TikTok can help you make more money now, and help you incase your traffic directly from Twitch drops

If you have the time, it is worth the effort!

Keep in mind that it is secondary though

If you struggle with consistently streaming on Twitch, starting a TikTok is not the right move

Get your routine and schedule strong on Twitch (or whatever your main platform is) and then start building a TikTok 

Trying to start too many things at the same time often results in people quitting all of it.

TikTok is amazing for your stream, but don’t make it be the reason you end up quitting all together


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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