13 Tips To Get Your Channel Noticed On YouTube!

YouTube is a platform full of opportunity, but some niches are also very competitive

Gaming channels are very competitive but it is very possible to break in!

There are 13 major tips for getting noticed on YouTube:

  1. Edit engaging videos
  2. Write eye-catching titles
  3. Figure out what you have to offer (Your value)
  4. Think about ‘how to’ videos/ targeting Google questions
  5. Watch your analytics to see what your audience wants
  6. Get social with others in your niche
  7. Create awesome thumbnails
  8. Link to other videos on your channel
  9. Create easy-to-understand playlists
  10. Use a call-to-action (CTA) on every video
  11. Try live streaming
  12. Create a content calendar to post regularly
  13. Create a description that is very helpful

Of course, there are always more tips to try, but these are foundational for your channel

Try to have these in place before searching for something else

There is no magic sauce

You just need to consistently do the work and learn from your mistakes

If you can do that, you can get your channel noticed on YouTube

Edit engaging videos

It is important to edit your videos to make them clean and engaging

That doesn’t mean editing every mistake out if that is part of your brand

It means keeping a nice pace throughout the video, adding visuals, cutting out parts of your stream that are engaging, and creating a hook in the beginning of the video

There are many ways to create engaging content

Start with what you have to offer

If you want to make a video about awesome moments, stick to that

If you want to make a funny video, stick to clips and text that are funny

People want to at least kinda know what to expect, even if that means expecting a surprise

If you offer something great and follow through, that is very engaging for your watchers

Write eye-catching titles

Titles are very important for SEO (search engine optimization) and CTA (Click through rate)

YouTube is a search engine just like Google and SEO is how you help them show your videos to the right people

CTA is how many people click on your video after they see it

Titles are very important because they are one of the major reasons people do or don’t find and click on your video

You want to write something that makes it clear what the video is about and gets people curious about the content

Figure out what you have to offer (Your value)

Everyone is good at some things and not good at other things

To succeed on YouTube, you need to know what you have to offer

I recommend choosing a specific game to focus on and deciding what value you want to offer

Value could be:

  • Inspiration
  • Tutorials
  • Amazing skills
  • Humor
  • And more

Value is just the reason someone should watch your video

Think about ‘how to’ videos/ targeting Google questions

Another way to be found more is to create ‘how-to’ videos or answer questions that you find on Google

This helps your video rank for both YouTube and Google

Watch your analytics to see what your audience wants

It will take time to build up analytics that is reliable

But you can learn a lot from them

If the impressions on your videos are low, then you need to increase your SEO efforts

If you have great impressions, but few clicks, then you need to work on the title and thumbnail

Or you could have great impressions and clicks, but your videos don’t have great watch time

If that happens, you need to work on engaging and keeping your audience by changing the content

Get social with others in your niche

The best way to start gaining traction faster is by going to other videos that are similar to yours and just engaging with them

Be helpful and friendly

People are naturally curious if you appear a lot 

The more you engage with the same creators, the more they will notice you

And so will their audience

Create awesome thumbnails

Most people look at the thumbnails first when deciding to watch a video

They will scroll until one catches their eye

Try to add a picture of you or something different than everyone else to your thumbnails

Make them about 50% the same for each video and 50% different

This helps people recognize your style, but they can see clearly that it is a video that they have not seen

Link to other videos on your channel

Interlinking is a great way to get more views from the same watchers

Link videos that are similar or helpful for the people watching 

Mention those videos and tell people to go to the description to watch them

Create easy-to-understand playlists

I love playlists when I want to learn about something

I will find a video that I like, go to their channel, and check if they have a playlist about the topic

If they do, I will likely binge watch all the videos

If they don’t, I might end up moving on 

Create playlists to organize your channel and make navigation easier for watchers

Use a call-to-action (CTA) on every video

A CTA is a statement at the beginning, middle, and/or end of a video asking watchers to do something

If you provide a ton of value for watchers, they will naturally be willing to help you

Try to choose one CTA if possible

CTAs could be:

  • Likes
  • Follows
  • Click the link in the description
  • Comment
  • Watch through until the end

Choose what is important for that video and just ask your audience

Try live streaming

Live streaming is a good way to boost traffic on many platforms

If you are a Twitch affiliate, you cannot live stream on YouTube and Twitch at the same time

But you could live stream once a week separately if it helps your channel

Create a content calendar to post regularly

Posting regularly is vital for YouTube, and even better if you can post at the same time and day every week

YouTube needs to learn what you are about and know that they can trust you with their watchers

The only way to do that is to post great content regularly and to use good SEO

The more you post every week, the faster you will grow

Just make sure that you keep a sustainable schedule so you don’t quit from burnout

Create a description that is very helpful

The description helps a little with SEO, but the main goal is to be helpful

Create a description made to help your watcher

That could mean adding links to more videos that expand on topics, or it could be a table on contents with time stamps

Think about how to help help your watchers and do that


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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