How To Make Your Horizontal Videos Into Vertical Videos

There are two major dimensions that you can use for your videos

Most videos are automatically horizontal

But if you want to post clips on TikTok, Reels, YouTube shorts, or anything similar, then it is important to make your videos vertical

It is possible to have a successful horizontal video on those platforms, but it is harder and not recommended

You can change the dimensions of your videos by clicking the video ratio button in your editing software and changing the dimensions. You will likely see the default dimensions as 1920px by 1080px. To make the video vertical, switch those numbers to 1080px by 1920px

You will have to adjust the size of the video by moving the squares in the corner of your video in the preview

If there is a specific part that you want to adjust what shows as a default, you can cut that clip separate and adjust what shows in the vertical video

There is a lot of freedom in good editing software

The pictures I share are from the software that I use, which is Filmora

But it should be pretty similar to most editing software

What platforms do I use horizontal videos for?

The horizontal video was the default before TikTok came along

Every platform that offers video, except TikTok, has horizontal video

The regular videos on YouTube are all horizontal

The videos in the ‘Watch’ section of Facebook are all horizontal

LinkedIn prefers horizontal video right now

Horizontal may be the most popular video to watch right now (2020-2022), but it is still very popular, and the default video dimension

If you create your videos horizontally, you will have many options for posting

But most of the same platforms also have the vertical video

So learning and posting both is the best option

What platforms use vertical videos?

The vertical videos started on TikTok, but the other platforms are rushing to copy them because of the success that TikTok achieved

Almost every platform has a vertical video option now

On Instagram, the vertical videos are called Reels

On Facebook, the vertical videos are called Facebook Reels

YouTube calls them YouTube Shorts

And of course, they are TikToks on TikTok

So it doesn’t matter what platform you are growing, you will probably have the option to post vertical videos

It is also very beneficial to do it right now

TikTok and vertical video is huge right now so the reach you can get is amazing

Normally a Facebook post gets no more than 100, but usually closer to 10-30, views

But I regularly get 500 or more views on a single Facebook Reel

It is a good idea to take advantage of the organic reach when social media platforms offer it

TikTok is still offering amazing organic reach in general

So learning to create and post vertical videos is going to help you reach your online goals

Does it really matter?

Right now, vertical video is very popular so it is a good idea to take advantage of that

The longer a platform or feature is available, the less you get organic reach

The end goal of these platforms is to get people to pay them 

The best way to do that is by getting creators to pay for ads

As someone who got trapped in that with Facebook, I am lucky I only spent $5k

If you cannot get success with an organic post, it isn’t worth paying for

But that isn’t what we are told

We are told that ads will fix all of our traffic problems

So whenever a new feature comes to the platforms you choose to be on appears, it is a good idea to take advantage of that feature while the platform is giving away free traffic

In 2022, that new feature is the vertical video

Every platform that added vertical video is giving a ton of organic traffic away with that feature

My posts have 2,500% more reach on Facebook if I post a reel instead of a video or picture

That is a huge number!

Of course, that varies, but that percentage is using the average reach I get

Sometimes my pictures and horizontal videos get more than 20 reach, but sometimes I get way more than 500 views on a reel too

I have several reels that went over 10,000 views each!

So horizontal vs vertical video only matters depending on where you choose the post

If you post on TikTok, you should be using vertical

But what really matters is that you are taking advantage of new features that the platforms want you to use

Take advantage of that free traffic and ride the wave

Someday the vertical vs horizontal video debate will be old news and there will be a new feature

When that happens, then that new feature will be important

But I don’t see horizontal or vertical videos going away any time soon

How to change video dimensions in a video editor

When you download a video or choose a video on your computer, your first step to making it vertical is to change the dimensions

Most videos that you start with will be horizontal video

That means the dimensions should be 1920px by 1080px

Add the video to your editor, I am using Filmora, and look for the little computer icon

Click that and select “Change Project Aspect Ratio”

If you are using a different editor, it may look a little different

But it should be similar

That will open a window that gives you a few options

Look for the dimensions that say 1920px by 1080px

And you want to change that to 1080px by 1920px

Then click Done

You will see in the preview that the video is vertical now

But there is black space above and below your video

That is what we need to change next

How to adjust what is showing after adjustment

Once you have the new dimensions, you need to adjust your video to fit

Double-click on the video and you will see a dotted line around your video with circles on the corners and top

Click and hold the circles on one of the corners and drag the corner to make the video bigger

Do that until all the blank space is gone

You will probably not have the part of your video that you want showing so you’ll need to adjust the video to show what you want

Do that by clicking, holding, and dragging the video until you are happy with it

If there is a small part of the video that doesn’t align but the rest does, find the beginning of that part and cut it to separate from the rest

Then find the end and cut that to separate as well

Select the clip that you want to move and move it in the preview just like that

Now you have a vertical video from your horizontal video!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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