How do I edit a gaming video like a pro?

When you want to begin using other platforms to drive traffic to your live stream, you need to learn some video editing

There is a big difference between live streaming and watching a prerecorded video

There can be more empty time on a live stream

That means you need to take out that extra time when you use your game clips for other platforms

You can begin video editing quickly because the base skills are easy to learn. If you buy quality editing software, your learning curve will not be that hard. If you want to make more complex videos, then that will take some time

But the basic video editing skills that you need to start gaining traffic from YouTube and TikTok don’t take long to learn!

I have seen it a few thousand times

Someone that has never even seen editing software can learn to edit a basic video in a couple of weeks

How long it takes depends on how long you work on it and where you start

But good editing software is straightforward and easy to use once you learn what you need to do and what buttons to push

What does editing like a pro look like?

Editing like a pro means being able to create a video that accomplishes the goals you created for that video

There are a million ways you can make a video complex, but how successfully that video performs is what is truly important

That can be a simple video or it can be complex

Being a pro means knowing what you need to do to accomplish a goal

And that only comes with time and practice

Testing what works and what doesn’t work

There is no perfect set of rules because things that improve one video will lower the quality on another video

So to start editing like a pro, learn the basics

Then test things that break the “rules” and see how it goes

Don’t test something only once because it takes a large sample to know if something worked or not

Do A/B testing

A/B testing is when you have two identical videos except for one thing

One of the best things to A/B test is the hook

You have five seconds to convince someone to watch your video

The difference between a successful video and one that doesn’t get views could be within those 5 seconds

There are many systems to help you go from beginner to someone good enough to create their own system

I shared my system below

But remember that the only way to be a pro is by learning and practicing

There are tips to make your video improve faster

But there is no secret sauce that allows you to skip the practice stage

Steps to edit like a pro when you are a beginner

My system is pretty straightforward

I don’t usually add crazy layers like broll

Broll is when clips from pop culture or movies come up to improve the delivery of your message

Adding Broll successfully takes some practice, so let’s start with the basics so you can get started

My process goes in step-by-step order:

  1. Choose an editing software
  2. Create a  brand
  3. Find clips that have some kids of value
  4. Cut out anything that isn’t needed
  5. Add a hook
  6. Add a call to action
  7. Add transitions
  8. Add text and pop-ups on the screen
  9. Do a final check

You don’t have to repeat steps one and two, but you do have to repeat the other steps every time

Choose an editing software

The first thing you need to start editing your gaming clips is an editing software

There are a lot of options that range from free to paid

Our favorite is Filmora

It is easy to learn for beginners but has enough features to make experienced editors happy

If you want to look at more options, check out my article about 9 different options to choose from

Create a brand

People that are new to the business and online worlds often overlook this step

A brand is things that people think of when they think of your stream

Think about your favorite streamers

They probably have words, images, props, or games that you connect with them

That is a brand

Think about what you can people to connect with you and incorporate those things in your videos

Find clips that have some kids of value

It is important to make sure your videos have some kind of value

Value can mean a lot of different things

Value can be:

  • Entertainment
  • Humor
  • Tutorials
  • Walkthroughs
  • Character profiles
  • Competitions
  • Shocking moments
  • Tips and tricks
  • Intense moments
  • And more

Value is just the reason someone should watch your video

If you don’t know why someone should watch your video, then you need to think about what value you are offering before creating more videos

Once you know what you want to offer, now you just need to find gaming clips that match

Cut out anything that isn’t needed

Now that you have the clips, now you need to organize them if you want to put multiple together and start cutting out what doesn’t belong in the end result

Be careful using dead space, but don’t make the video too overwhelming

If you are creating a TikTok, creating a video that moves fast enough that people need to watch it two or three times isn’t a bad thing

But don’t require more than three rewatches because you’ll start to lose people

If you are editing for YouTube, make the video straightforward and clear

These are longer videos so you don’t want to lose people because they are confused

Add a hook

Now that you have the main portion of the video, now it is time to add a hook

A hook is the very beginning of a video

With a TikTok, the hook is 5 seconds long

With a YouTube video, the hook can be longer

But people tend to like when creators get to the point so don’t draw it out too long

You can add a hook with text on the screen or through your voice

The hook is a statement that makes people want to stay

This is when having a clear image of the video value is important

If you are making a video with 5 tips to improve headshots, then your hook can be:

“5 tips to improve your headshots in Apex”

Quick, to the point, makes value obvious, and doesn’t give all the value away

Pay attention to the videos that you watch

They will have a hook!

Get inspiration for your videos but don’t copy other creators

Add a call to action


You have two/thirds of your video ready!

The last piece is a call to action

Your viewers need to be told what you want from them

That is why YouTube videos end in “like and subscribe!”

Or TikToks end in “follow for more”

Those are the most common CTAs

You don’t have to get creative here if you don’t want to be

Just make sure you ask for one thing that you want your viewers to do

You can even ask them to join your live!

Just remember to tell them when it is 

Add transitions

You have all three parts of your video created and edited down now

Transitions are a way to blend different clips together in a neater way

Instead of harsh switches between clips, you can have your video transition in many different ways

Check out the transitions that are available in your editing software and see what looks nice

Try not to overdo it

Add text and pop-ups on the screen

Once the base video is clean, now your can start layering

Layers are things that go over or under your base video

You can add sounds so you can hear something without changing what you see

You can add pop-ups and text over your video so you can see them

I highly recommend some kind of caption

Assume that people can’t hear your video

Not everyone will watch your videos muted, but many people will

So it is a good thing to get used to

Do a final check

Now that you have all the parts of your video in place, watch it through

Make any last-minute adjustments as you go

The goal here is to watch your video as your viewers would

It would be even better if you could wait a couple of hours before this final check so you can watch your video with fresh eyes

This is when you are going to catch little mistakes that you missed before

When you are happy with it, it is time to download it!

If you are a perfectionist like me, sometimes you just have to stop nitpicking

It will never be 100% perfect every time

It is better to get it done and posted so you can start the next video instead of obsessing over this one

If your video is 80% done, that is probably good enough


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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