How Long Should My Gaming Clips Be For TikTok?

The length of video is a big deal on TikTok

It is a fast-paced platform and most people do not want to spend a lot of time watching the same video as they do on YouTube

But there is no perfect length

Gaming TikToks should be less than 60 seconds long. The longer the video, the harder it is to keep engagement. 18-second videos and 40-second videos both do really well in general. Check your analytics to see what length works well for your audience. And make a point to keep your videos engaging

Video length depends on what your value is for the video

A quick joke would be great as a short video, but probably flop as a long video

That is because it would be hard to keep viewers’ attention for that long

But instructional videos may struggle if they are too short because they will start to lose clarity

Keep your videos as fast as you can without losing a lot of quality

Then check your analytics to see when you are losing a lot of people

Those numbers will help you understand what you need to do in the future

Does video length matter on TikTok?

Video length is talked about a lot on TikTok

Yes, video length matters

But the content matters more

If you are capturing attention, longer videos are great!

If you aren’t capturing attention, even the short videos will struggle

And it also depends on what you are trying to do

Are you trying to go viral?

Or are you trying to build a stable platform?

I have two friends 

One made a video and went viral

Overnight she got over 5k followers and over a million views on that video

But her platform died

She didn’t continue to grow after that and her views were very low

Another friend gets between 300 and 1000 views on every video

But she steadily grows her platform

What happened was my first friend went viral on a personality video

So all those followers were not interested in her regular content

Going viral is crazy and it’s fun, but it can destroy your account if you don’t know how to handle it

Focus on what your audience likes

Content is king

Hashtags, video length, and everything else are helpful

But your content will be the number 1 most important factor

What are my options for video length?

There are so many options for video length

Some creators can post videos up to 10 minutes long!

But they don’t do as well if you aren’t a master at keeping attention

TikTok isn’t YouTube

People on YouTube look for something specific that they want to watch or learn about

People on TikTok want to be entertained

Keeping quality entertainment for 10 minutes is hard to do

And many people will swipe just because they saw how long your video is

It is best to avoid going over 60 seconds on TikTok right now

You can have any length under 60 seconds, but make that your maximum 

At least when you are starting out

If you can get closer to 40 seconds, that is even better

You will learn what videos do well and what videos don’t

Just remember that length is only one factor

If you had a short video does amazing and a long video flop

Length isn’t the only thing that affected those videos

Hooks and content are going to affect the videos the most

Do A/B testing to see what is working and what isn’t

And remember that not every video will be a hit even if it is amazing

Just keep posting and gaining knowledge and momentum

How do I know if my videos should be faster?

The best way to see what is happening to your videos is to look at your followers and your analytics

Having spam followers can hurt you a lot when you are a small account

The larger you get, the less that matters

But you can give your videos a boost by deleting fake followers

Your analytics will tell you what is happening with your videos

If people are leaving within 5 seconds, you need to work on your hooks and convincing people to stay

If people are leaving any other time throughout your video, then you either need to shorten your videos or work on increasing your engagement 

People will swipe when they get bored

Long videos can be great, but they are more likely to get boring

You can try shortening your videos to see if more people watch until the end

But increasing engagement is your best option

People love stories and anticipation

That is why boring game clips that have Reddit threads over them do well

People are mostly listening to the story

Test things

Learn from your analytics

And remember that there are many factors that determine video success

 Some of those factors, like length and hooks, are in your control

Others are not in your control

Never delete a video that is not flagged for going against community standards!

TikTok will push out your old content again

If the reason a video didn’t take off was that it didn’t reach the right people

It could take off a month or even a year for a video to take off

Focus on creating and listening to your analytics

Seeing the video views is fun, but that comes with time and practice

Should all my videos be the same length?


You don’t need to make all your videos the same

Actually, please don’t!

People like predictable variety

Things are changing and staying fresh, but they aren’t going too far from what people expect from you

TikTok is not a platform to be super stressed about the technicalities

It is a platform to be free, creative, fun, and authentic

So if you want to post a funny 5-second video

Do it!

Have fun and enjoy yourself

The more you create, the more you learn

You will learn more about what works and you’ll learn more about what you enjoy


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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