How To Build a Successful Streamer Account on TikTok

The bigger your streamer goals become, the more traffic you will need to support those goals

That also means that you need to start expanding where your traffic comes from

Having multiples streams of traffic is important because if one stream disappears then it isn’t as big of a deal

If you only have one place your traffic comes from, then losing that stream of traffic is devastating

That is where TikTok comes in

You build a successful streamer TikTok account by posting videos that have both value and personality. Without both pieces, you will struggle to grow a large account on TikTok. Value is the reason someone should watch, and personality helps the audience connect to you

This may seem difficult, but it isn’t

You just need to be aware and mindful when you are creating content to post on TikTok

Decide what your goals are for TikTok

The first thing you need to decide is why you want to start your TikTok account

If you are completely new to streaming and you’re trying to do a little of everything, then it may not be the best choice

Decide what your main platform is going to be

Most video game streamers choose to be on Twitch or YouTube 

If you have a solid schedule on your main platform and want to add another stream of traffic to your live streams, then TikTok is a great choice!

You can also go live on TikTok, but it isn’t the most effective platform as the main platform

Think about what you want to get out of TikTok

If you are not sure and want to start because someone told you to, then I would wait and decide if TikTok is worth your time

TikTok is usually a secondary platform

If you are maxed out when keeping up with your main platform, don’t neglect that main platform to join TikTok

If you have extra time and want to use it to grow your traffic, then TikTok may be a great way to do that

If you are on Twitch as your main platform, YouTube might be a good choice too

What do you post on TikTok to get followers?

The best way to gain followers on TikTok is to post videos with a lot of value and personality

TikTok is a unique community

It values the authentic and messy parts of our lives

If you think about it, TikTok grew during the pandemic

That is because people were desperate for human interaction

Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are great for many things, but the real and messy aren’t usually shown there

People needed a place to connect with other people that are struggling through life

That is why allowing your messiness and personality is important

You become more than just another gamer

People connect to you as a person

And that is how you get raving fans

If the end, you want people that want to come to every stream and loves everything you post

Imagine having regulars on your stream that you start recognizing and getting to know

Just like the amazing friends you can make by playing online games, you can make friends with people who frequent your live streams

When that happens, your viewer count will get more and more predictable

There are many ways to show personality in your videos, and it really depends on your personality

Please don’t try to create a new personality that you think people will like more

Someday that mask will fall and your fans will fall with it

It is better to just be yourself and connect with the right people who like you

You can do this through:

  • Props
  • Jokes
  • The value you choose to provide
  • Streaming while playing with friends
  • Playing games that you really enjoy and get into
  • Answering questions that people have
  • And more

In addition to showing your personality, you also need to provide some value in your videos

If you provide no value, people may enjoy watching you but aren’t likely to become huge fans

If you only provide value, people won’t connect with you and won’t become huge fans

Some types of value that you can offer are:

  • Humor
  • Tips and tricks
  • Information
  • Updates
  • Game hacks
  • Shocking moments
  • Amazing gameplay
  • Stories
  • And more

As you can see, there is some overlap of personality and value

Value is the reason people should watch your videos

If you don’t know why someone should watch your video, then you either need to think harder or create a different video

If you don’t know why it is worth the time, no one else will either

When do you post on TikTok?

When you grow on TikTok, you’ll start connecting with people all over the world

And TikTok is a slow-release platform

That means that most videos won’t take off quickly

Because of those two factors, there is no right time to post your videos

No matter what time you post, only a small section of your audience will be online during that time

You can go into your analytics and find out where most of your audience is viewing from and what time they are on

But the goal of TikTok is to reach new people

My biggest recommendation is to post a few videos a day and spread them out throughout the day

But in the end, how much and how nice your videos are will be more important than when you post them

How to use hashtags for best growth

Once you have a plan for your videos and you know what to post, then you need to know how hashtags work

There are a lot of theories, but I am going to explain the one I believe

TikTok takes many different things into account when deciding who to show your videos to

The caption is one of those things

And the hashtags go in the caption

It has been confirmed that hashtags in the comments don’t help your videos

So when you create your caption, create it exactly how you want and then start adding hashtags

Since TikTok uses hashtags to figure out who to send your videos to, you want to get very specific 

If you use #FYP, TikTok will send your video to some people that it is not a match for

This hurts your view count

So get very specific and detailed when choosing the hashtags for your videos

You also want to pay attention to the viewer size

If someone decides to look up a hashtag, you don’t want to get to get lost in a sea of other creators

The recommended views for hashtags that you should use are between 2000 and 1 million views

If you type the # symbol into the caption and start typing in possible hashtags, you will see the views on the right side of every hashtag

So you want to find hashtags that are between 2k and 1 million views that are as specific about your videos as you can get

How many you should use is also highly debated

Some people see best results with 3-6 hashtags, but the recommended is just as many as you can fit before running out of available characters

Once you get the personality, value, and hashtags down, you will see more progress per video than you have previously

The more you post consistently, the faster you will grow

It is better to post once a day than it is to post 10 on one day and then stop posting for the rest of the week

Post as many videos as you can on a daily schedule without burning yourself out

And have fun!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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