How To Create TikTok Videos From Your Twitch Clips

YouTube has been the go-to platform for anything video related for a long time, but it is being challenged for the first time

Even though YouTube had the most users, TikTok had the most watch time in 2020-2021

That’s huge!

The great thing about being a gamer on TikTok is that you can use content that you have already created by recording your games 

You can create TikTok videos from your Twitch clips by downloading the screen recording, editing it to the right format and look, and then adding it to your TikTok profile. You can choose how simple or complex those videos are, and they are great for bringing more traffic to Twitch

You don’t have to limit yourself to just Twitch clips though

TikTok values authenticity 

That means that you can post gaming clips, trends, fun things, and more

But keep in mind that the more variety that you add, the harder it will be to gain only followers that are interested in your live stream

But if you base most of your content on gaming or your game of choice, you will content with more people and build a fan base

How to use gaming clips as TikTok content

Using your recorded content for TikTok is pretty simple

But it will take some time

Especially if you are new to anything related to TikTok and editing

The first thing you need is to get your Twitch clips

You can download them from Twitch, but we prefer using Outplayed as a screen recorder and downloading content from there

Once you have the clips downloaded, then you need to put them in an editing software

Our favorite is Filmora

But if you want more options, check out our posts on editing software options

Then you want to change the format from horizontal videos to vertical videos

If you need help with that, read this article

That is the bare minimum you need to do to post on YouTube

I also encourage you to copy the clip, zoom in on your video, and add it to your vertical video

If you want to add more, you can add transitions, text, music, pop-ups, and more

Have fun!

But don’t go overboard

Once you are happy with it, download the edited video and upload it to TikTok!

How often should I post on TikTok?

TikTok usually needs a lot of content to start growing

And it needs that content consistently

There are creators that can post 1-3 videos and get thousands of followers, but most of us need to grind it out

If you want to grow at a steady pace, I recommend posting 2-5 videos every day

You can take weekends off if you feel like you need to

If you want to grow fast, post 8-10 videos a day

By flooding TikTok with your content, you reach more people and build momentum much faster

When I was shooting for my first 1k followers, it took 5 months to get to 280 followers by posting once a day

Then I started posting 10 times a day and reached 1k followers in 6 weeks

It was slow for a couple of weeks, but once the momentum started, I was getting over a hundred followers every day

How much you post depends on what you can invest in TikTok without making Twitch suffer

What kind of content can I post?

You can post more than just your gaming videos

The thought of editing 10 videos every day is terrifying!

But you aren’t limited to that

You can post talking head videos talking about your gaming session, telling a story, giving a game update, and more

Talking head videos are very common on TikTok

They are when the creator is talking directly into the camera and only the head area is showing

You can also do funny trends and change them to your niche

You can even move away from strictly gaming and post personality and videos that you think are fun

Just keep in mind that you will get followers that may not be interested in your stream if you post non-game-related content

But there are positives to posting videos that show your personality

People will become connected to you as a human

And that is how you get raving fans

Some of those fans may be brand new to Twitch but decide to join just to be on live with you

The most important things with TikTok are to be authentic, have fun, post often, and post consistently

Oh and make your videos vertical

What are the two categories of posts on TikTok?

In broad terms, there are two categories of posts that you can do

I recommend doing both

The first type of video is a trending video

This is using songs and/or actions that many other people are using right now

If you see something done over and over on your FYP, that is a trend

A great thing about trends is they help you grow faster

The bad thing is they become old news fast

Trends can last a couple of days or a couple of weeks

But a new trend will take over

The other type of content is evergreen content

This type is relevant for a long time

It could be weeks, months, or even years

Tips and Tricks videos are a good example of this

A good thing about evergreen content is that it will keep growing every time Tiktok pushes it out

But they help you grow slower

I try to do 1 part trending and 3 parts evergreen content

That way my channel doesn’t contently become outdated

Having it set up that way creates a lot of work for you and can leave little room for things to happen in life that cause you not to post

Evergreen content grows slower but keeps growing

It could get pushed out next year again and go viral

You never know


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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