How to Edit Gaming Clips To Look Better

When we edit our videos, we want them to look good!

While there is no perfect formula for going viral, there are ways to make your gaming clips good better before posting them on social media

  1. Adjust the ratio according to the needs of the platform
  2. Cut out anything that doesn’t match the value
  3. Add a voiceover story
  4. Add text to the screen for the captions
  5. Adjust the sound up or down
  6. Add transitions
  7. Add Broll
  8. Add copyright-free sounds
  9. Make sure that your camera is visible 

These are ways to improve a video that already has the hook, value, and CTA

If you want to know more about those, read this article

Adjust the ratio according to the needs of the platform

There are different recommended ratios for different kinds of videos

If you want to post on YouTube, 1920px by 1080px is great

That is the default for most editing software

If you want to post on YouTube shorts or TikTok, horizontal videos will not look good

Viewers can tell that the video doesn’t belong and will see you as an amateur

The ratio for vertical videos is 1080ps by 1920px

It is the opposite of horizontal videos!

Those are the main two sizes that you will need for videos

If you go too large or too small, you risk getting a stretched or a blurry video

Cut out anything that doesn’t match the value

Every video needs to have some kind of value

Value can mean a lot of different things

It could mean:

  • Entertainment
  • Relatability
  • Tips and tricks
  • Tutorials
  • Character profiles
  • Shocking moments
  • Pro moments
  • Walkthroughs
  • And more

Value doesn’t have to be teaching

It is just the reason someone should watch your video

Figure out what value you want to offer with your video and only keep that value

Don’t try to jump between a bunch of different types of value

And don’t try to put everything into a single video unless you are just posting the entire stream

Add a voiceover story

If you don’t have any specific moments from your stream that you want to share, you can always just show random playing and add voiceover

People enjoy stories, and streamers have a lot of those!

You can even tell a story that a different video showed

Just take some normal gameplay and add your voice over the top

I also encourage you to use large captions if you want to do a voiceover video

People will see your gameplay in the back, but it isn’t the main purpose of the video

The focus should be on what you are telling your audience

Add text to the screen for the captions

Even if you don’t do a voiceover story, you should still add text to your videos

Most people on YouTube listen with their sound on, but it is always good to have captions

Hearing people usually prefer it and you can reach the deaf community too

Most people on TikTok look at their FYP with their sound off

So having captions is particularly important if you post on TikTok!

You don’t have to add captions for everything that is said but add the text on the screen for anything that you want your audience to hear

Adjust the sound up or down

There may be parts of your video that get really quiet or really loud

If that happens to you, separate the clip with your scissors where the sound isn’t right and separate the end of the clip where the sound is good again

Then you can raise or lower the volume of that one part by itself

That takes away the sudden decrease in sound or a sudden blast of sound that most viewers don’t appreciate

Since you separated the clip from the rest, you can adjust it without affecting the rest of the video

Add transitions

Another simple way to make your videos look better is by adding transitions between clips

If you cut out anything or add more than one clip together, transitions can make it look like the clips go together better

Transitions vary from blurring out of one clip and into another clip

Or they can be intense like a clip exploding to show a different clip under it

Transitions make your final video a lot nicer and smoother

Add Broll

Broll is a way to add another layer of storytelling to your videos

Be careful though because it is easy to overdo it

Broll is when you take a clip from pop culture or shows and add it for a few seconds

How long the Broll should be and where depends on a lot of things

The best way to learn this is by having fun and testing things out

Add copyright-free sounds

You can also add sounds behind your videos

If you pay attention to movies and shows, they use sounds to change the feeling of the movie

They can make you feel on edge by playing a spooky song, or they can create buildup with music that builds up

You have that option too

Just be patient because it takes time to get good at manipulating emotions with sounds

Try a variety of songs, sounds, and sound effects and see how they add to your video

The important thing to remember is that you should not overdo it

Have you ever watched a show that had an audience laughing in the background and it just made the scene gross?

It wasn’t funny but they tried to make it funny with a background sound

Don’t overdo it, but you still have to test things out to find out what overdoing it means for your audience

Make sure that your camera is visible 

A great way to connect to your audience is by showing your face or hands while you play

Most streamers always have this setup, but I see a lot of TikTok videos that edit that out

Make sure you still have a personal connection in your videos

That is why video is so powerful

Because people can connect to over people on a human level even if they never meet in person


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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