How To Edit Twitch Vods For YouTube

There are many options to record your screen as a streamer

One of those options is to just let Twitch do it and create a VOD

That is just the video they recorded for you

Most people don’t prefer it but it is a real option

To use a Twitch VOD for YouTube, you need to download it, edit it, and then you can use it for YouTube. I highly recommend editing your VODs before adding them to YouTube because it cleans them up, gives you more control, and makes your videos nicer for your viewers.

People can tell if you just upload a video without doing any editing

It is harder to keep viewer attention because there will be spaces in the videos that are boring to someone watching a recording

The atmosphere is different when viewers are there live

They can interact with you and interact with your stream while nothing exciting is happening

That is not the case with a video on YouTube

The video needs to be engaging and keep viewer’s attention by itself

What you use to screen record and edit is personal preference, but they both need to be done

What is a VOD?

A VOD (Video on Demand) is an archive of previous lives

If the settings area of your Twitch account, you can select the option to automatically save VODS when you stream

This will have Twitch save all your videos when you stream automatically

Having some kind of screen recorder is essential if you want to promote your stream on any other platform

It is important to know that Twitch automatically deleted VODs after 60 days

So if you want to use a Twitch clip and you use Twitch as your screen recorder, then you need to download your videos and keep them somewhere safe

Getting an external memory may be a good idea to make sure no terrible accidents happen and you lose your content

You are a content creator

So losing content is losing the thing that makes you money

How do you download a VOD?

Once you have your VOD saved in Twitch, now you have to download it so you  can edit

A VOD is just the saved video so you can’t do a lot of editing there

You can edit a little on Twitch, but using an actual video editor is a better choice

Using a video editor is easier to use and learn and way less frustrating in the long run

To download your VOD, you need to click on your profile in the upper right corner and select video producer

You will see a select all square above the videos and a drop-down menu next to it

Select “past broadcasts” on that dropdown menu

This will show you all your past videos

Choose the one you want to download and look on the right side of it

Click the three dots and select download

Now you have a downloaded VOD ready to be edited for YouTube!

How long are VODs available on Twitch?

Make sure that you remember the time limit of VODs on Twitch

Twitch will automatically delete VODS over 60 days old

So make sure that you remember to download the content that you want before that happens

There is no way to get deleted videos back if you or Twitch deletes them

One thing I recommend is getting an external memory

This is where you can store all your raw and edited videos without slowing down your computer

How do I use my videos to grow on YouTube?

Once you have the videos, it is time to edit them!

The first thing you need to do is create a goal for the video

Do you want to teach your viewers something or are you creating a highlight video?

Having one goal is important to keep the video from being busy and confusing

It also helps with SEO

Once you have a video goal, choose the clips that best match that goal

If your goal changes when you see the clips you have to work with, that’s ok!

Download the clips that you want to use in your video and add them to a video editor

For 9 different ways to edit your videos, check out my article

Put the clips in the order that you want to use them in the editor so you can clearly see what is going on 

Then you just start cutting!

Cut out the parts that don’t match your goal and cut out the dead space

Sometimes you will have a clip that is really cool but doesn’t match the video goal 

Just make a different video with that clip!

Stick with your goal

If your goal is a funny video, don’t add instructions or trick shots unless you change the mood with narration and text

But for now, stay simple and choose clips that match your goal

Keep cleaning the video until you only have the parts you want in your editor

Now it is time for layers and detail work

Add text and add popups that ask people to like and subscribe

Adjust the sound and add sound if you want to

When you think you are done, watch the video one more time to make sure all details are what you want


You have a video ready for YouTube

Do you have to use VODS to create content for YouTube?

Twitch VODs are just one option for screen recording your live stream

Many streamers use OutPlayed to record their screen 

That is what we prefer too because OutPlayed has amazing features and can be used to more than just Twitch if we decided to live stream on YouTube or TikTok

If you try using Twitch VODs and don’t like it, just try a different tool!

There are options and the best one is often personal preference

The most important part is just recording your screen while streaming and getting those videos downloaded so you can promote your stream!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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