How To Editing Gaming Videos for TikTok

When making money online as a streamer, there will come a time when you need to edit your gaming videos to expand your reach

TikTok is a great platform for that!

Editing gaming content for TikTok can be very simple or complex. It depends on what you want to do. But the basics are downloading the content, cutting out as much as you can while focusing on a value topic, adding transitions and text, and downloading the newly edited video

TikTok has the ability to do longer videos, but they don’t usually do as well

It is recommended to start with around 40-second videos because that is the longest most beginners can go without losing a lot of viewers

Of course, this depends on you

Try different lengths out

If you have a great hook and engaging content, you’ll keep viewers a lot longer

Where to get content to post on TikTok

The first thing you need to be able to post on TikTok is content

You can get content two ways as a streamer

  1. Download recordings of your gameplay
  2. Record on the spot

Most people record on the spot on TikTok because it is easy to join trends that way

But you have content already recorded that you can use too

I recommend doing a mixture

Post mostly content that is related to your target market though

Most trends can be changed to fit any niche

What kind of content you can make for a gaming profile

Once you have some downloaded content or some time to do quick recordings, then you need to decide what you are going to post

TikTok values authentic and personal accounts

Most followers come from people who like both the content and the creator

The less personal your videos are, the less often viewers connect with you

Even videos that go viral can do very little for the creator if it isn’t connected to them in some way

With that out of the way, the content that you can create is only limited by your imagination

Be very careful with the advice that tells you that you have to create certain videos to succeed

In truth, you only need a framework:

  1. Hook
  2. Value
  3. CTA

You can stray from this when you get good at catching and keeping attention, but using that frame is helpful until you can do that

The hook is the very beginning of the video

You have 5-seconds to convince someone to stay on your video

A hook can be:

  • The sound
  • Text on the screen
  • Camera movement
  • You talking
  • Speech to text

Anything that can occur in the first 5-seconds that will catch the viewer’s attention

The hook can make or break your video

You can have the best content, but it doesn’t matter if no one stays to watch it

The sound is a major hook for trends

Once you have the hook, you need value

Value means a reason for people to watch

Value comes in many forms:

  • Entertainment
  • Humor
  • Information
  • Surprises
  • And more

If someone watches your video and doesn’t see the point, you need to work on the value

Unless it is a troll

Ignore them

Lastly, you need a CTA

CTA stands for Call-To-Action

You are just asking viewers to do something that you want them to do

The most common is “Follow for more”

This can be spoken, written, or in the caption

Sometimes you can have it in the sound as well

What is the minimum editing that I need to do for TikTok?

When you are first starting in TikTok, start with the basics

The more you take on, the easier it is to get overwhelmed

The minimum in editing is to cut out the parts of the video that don’t help your value piece

For example, you don’t need to teach the viewers something when making a humor video

You can save that information for a different video

Once you have cut out as much as you can, add transitions where needed

I use Filmora to edit so adding transitions is easy

Most people watch TikTok videos with their sound off, so I always add text on the screen to make up for being muted

Make sure you have all three parts of your video framework and you’re done!

What are other things I can do when I edit?

There are a lot of other things you can do when you are comfortable with the basics

And have the time to do the extra

A lot of time goes into editing even when you are good at it

So don’t take more time until you have the extra time to put into editing without posting too much less on TikTok

You can add more popups, create montages, add Broll, experiment with longer video, create video designed to lead people to a YouTube video, and more

The possibilities are endless

One way I like to think of new ideas is by watching other people

Don’t copy them because that is not ok

But take inspiration

You can get inspiration from similar content, or you can get it from places you never thought of before

Just keep your thinking cap on when scrolling TikTok because you never know what will trigger an idea

Once you think of the idea, save it!

Assume that you will not remember!!

I like to save ideas in my smartphone notes because I don’t have to worry about losing them

But you can save your idea anyway that works best for you

Just save the ideas and put them all in the same spot

So when you are ready to plan a video, you have a stash of ideas to look over and choose from

I find that I never get ideas when I am trying to force them

The more I try to plan my inspiration time, the more I am reminded that it doesn’t work that way for me

If you can do it, great!

The biggest part of creating an income from your streaming is finding what works for you and rolling with it

You can get tips and ideas from others all you want, but you will still need to create your own path as well


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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