How To Find The Best TikTok Gaming Hashtags for Your Videos

While learning about growing on TikTok, Hashtags were one of the most controversial topics

And it took some time to fully understand how they work and how to find the best ones for you

Finding the best TikTok gaming hashtags for your content can take a couple of hours if you batch it. The first thing you need to do is think of things that describe your videos, you, and the audience you want to reach. Then you search for matching Hashtags with between 2k and 1 million views

Hashtags alone don’t make or break your TikTok strategy

Content is key


Hashtags help TikTok send your videos to the right people

Especially if you don’t make the same niched-down videos every time

You can have an excellent gaming video, but it still flops because it was shown to people who don’t like gaming

View time and engagement determine how long a video is pushed out

So reaching the best people will help your video do well

Do good hashtags stay consistent?

Hashtags do change and go viral, but it doesn’t happen very often to the hashtags that you will be using

Since we want hashtags that get between 2k and 1 million views, they are going to be pretty niched down

Pay attention to the hashtags that grow huge and you will see that they are often either broad or strange

Hashtags are going to be used to describe your video to TikTok

TikTok can use your video, text on screen, and caption to find the right people

And it does

But hashtags give the algorithm more data to work with 

More information in their matching process

I recommend looking at your hashtags once a year

They rarely change but it is a good idea to check in sometimes

Just look at each of the hashtags in the list you will be creating in the next step and make sure it will qualify to be on the list

If it does, leave it alone

If not, delete it from the list

You may have to look up a few new hashtags to add if you delete a lot 

It may be worth looking to see if there are new and fresh hashtags to add to the list too

How to find the best hashtags for my content

Finding good hashtags is easy to do but it does take a little time

If you make a wide range of content, I recommend putting aside an hour or two

But once it is done, you don’t have to do it again for a while

The first thing I do is make a list of words or word combinations that describe my content, what I do, or who I want to reach

For example, if I want to make videos that give APEX tips…

I would write down APEXtips

Keep going until you are out of ideas

The more niched down and detailed the better, but keep some broader ideas too

Just avoid things too broad like “gaming” or “games”

That leaves too much room for the algorithm to guess

Once you have some ideas, make a new list

I like to make the first list on paper and the second one on my phone so I can create shortcuts or copy and paste

But you can also type the list in Google Docs

You just need a new list

Act like you are going to post a video and add a hashtag

Add the first idea from your first list

A bunch of hashtag ideas is going to pop up with the number of views next to them

You are looking for hashtags that match your ideas pretty close but have between 2k and 1 million views

Too small and there won’t be enough people for the hashtag to matter

To big and you’ll get lost in the crowd

Write down all the hashtags that fit the criteria on the second list

Keep going until your first list is exhausted

You can either stop here or keep trying more combinations now that you have some hashtag research experience

If you want to do in-depth research, you can take it one step farther

You can go to the TikTok search bar and search for each hashtag on the second list

You are looking to see if the results are similar to the content that you make and if they are being used

Some hashtags are used for a while and die off

The best hashtags are not super big but are pretty active

So see if there were any videos using that hashtag within the last 6 months to a year

You don’t have to do this part because the algorithm can still work with hashtags that are not active anymore, but it can improve your effectiveness

How many hashtags do I need to find and use?

There is no straightforward answer for how many hashtags you should use

Some people insist that no hashtags work best for them, and others use every character available when adding hashtags

I recommend starting with using every character available and testing things as you post more content

Try using only 10 or only 6

Try things out and see what works best for your account

How well your hashtags work depends on how well you did your hashtag research too

I like to do A/B testing

That is when I post the same exact video with only changing the hashtags

You can do A/B testing for anything where you are trying to see what works best

Just don’t do them at the same time because it can look unprofessional to viewers that are scrolling your videos in order

How often should I re-evaluate my hashtags?

Niched-down hashtags don’t change very often so you don’t have to re-evaluate often

I like to look at all the hashtags on my list once a year and check for any new ones to add

If you are not seeing results from your hashtags and want to try different ones, there is no reason not to

Remember that hashtags are just additional help so look closely at your content before blaming the hashtags for not getting results

Sometimes people will search for the hashtags that you add to your videos, but usually, they are just there to help the algorithm match your video to the right viewers

The better the algorithm can do with the matching process, the better your content will do

That will help your engagement and view time


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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