How To Get Paid as a YouTube Gamer

Most people join YouTube for one of two reasons:

  1. To make money
  2. To share something

As a gamer, I assume that your goal is to make money so you can be a full-time gamer

You get paid as a YouTube gamer a few different ways including view count, ad clicks, affiliate marketing, memberships, sponsorships, super chat, swag shops, mentions, and donations. When you start a YouTube Channel, you are a business owner. So you get to choose what you want to monetize with

This is assuming that you want to mainly be a YouTube gamer and not use YouTube to drive traffic to Twitch

You can still get paid for YouTube gaming if you are sending people to Twitch, but your setup may look different than if you are strictly a YouTube gamer

How do youtube gamers get paid?

You can get paid for posting gaming content on YouTube in a number of different ways, including:

  1. Paid for views
  2. Paid for ad clicks
  3. Affiliate marketing
  4. Memberships
  5. Sponsorships
  6. Super chat
  7. Sell your own merchandise
  8. Get paid to mention other streamers
  9. Collecting donations

You do not need to use them all and I don’t recommend that you do

Especially as a newer channel

You don’t want your viewers to look in every direction and see things they have to pay for

But you add quite a few to your channel so you can get paid in many different ways

Paid for views

Getting paid for views is the most common way to get paid by YouTube

How much you get paid varies a lot, but the average is $4 for every 1000 views

Well, once you are qualified

You are only eligible to make money for views once you have 1000 followers and 4000 watch hours in a 12-month period

Then you apply for AdSense and you need to get approved

How much you get paid depends on how much the advertisers think your audience is worth

If they think they will make a lot of money from your audience, then they will pay you more per 1000 views

Paid for ad clicks

Getting paid for ad clicks goes right alongside getting paid for ad views

You often get a little more money when someone clicks on the ads on your videos

You don’t have to do any work to add this but it is another way to make money with your channel

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend a product that you love to your audience

If someone buys using your link, you get a commission

How much you get depends on the sale price and the commission that you get

Amazon has the best click-to-buy ratio because people trust them, but their commissions are super low

Other products that have affiliate programs may not get as many sales, but the sales you do get have great commissions

Make sure that the products that you recommend are actually products that you recommend

People catch on past if you are pretending to like something to make money even though you have never tried that product

Your reputation is on the line so just be honest


Memberships are directly through YouTube as well

Have you ever seen YouTube creators that have a “join” option on their channels?

That is the memberships

People can pay to join your channel

It is great because you get paid monthly as long as they are members

Memberships give members badges, emojis, and access to any perks that you create for joining your channel

YouTube offers the first month free and then it is $11.99 a month for people to be members of your channel


Sponsorships are another common way to make money on YouTube

Companies pay good money to get more eyes on their products

That is where you come in

If you have eyes on your videos (views), companies may be willing to pay you to mention their business and product

How much you get completely depends on your views, the quality of your audience, and how much they are willing to pay

They could work as affiliate marketing as well by giving you a discount code to offer your audience if they purchase through your link

Super chat

Super chat is a way to connect with viewers on live stream

Viewers can purchase messages to be highlighted or stickers to appear in the chat

You decide how much everything is with super chat so there is no set amount

It can be as much or as little as you want

It is recommended to have little things cost a little money while the big and distracting things cost more

But you can play around with this until you figure out what works best for you

It is a fun way to add more interaction with your audience while increasing the money that you are making

Sell your own merchandise

You have probably watched YouTubers that talk about their “swag shop”

This shop is a place where viewers can buy things that the YouTuber made

Fans enjoy it if they are big fans just like they do with anything else they are a fan of

Look at every business and you’ll see people buying things that show they are a fan

It helps you because you make money off those sales

You can have fun creating swag that makes sense for your channel

You can use your name, logo, catchphrase, props, or anything else that is part of your brand

Your viewers just need to be able to connect what you made to your channel and understand that connection

Get paid to mention other streamers

This is an option when your channel starts getting bigger

You can get paid by other streamers to mention their stream

Or they can pay you to join your game so you can mention them

It is just like companies paying you to mention their products

Other streamers see the value of you recommending their channel 

Well once you are bigger

How much you charge is completely up to you and the other streamer

And it depends a lot on your audience size and engagement

Collecting donations

The last way that you can get paid on YouTube is by asking for donations

This is common on Twitch as well

You don’t have to be pushy but you should mention donations often if you go this route

Viewers need you to ask for what you want

If you want more subscribers, ask for new viewers to subscribe

If you want donations, ask for donations and use a secure method to get those payments

The last thing you want is for viewers to get hacked after donating to you

What do you need to do to get qualified to be paid?

The main thing you need to be paid for YouTube is viewers

If you can get visitors, you can make money

But the specifics depend on the type of payment that you want

If you want to get paid for ads and views, then you need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in a 12-month period

If you want to do affiliate marketing, you need to find the products that you want to recommend and sign up for their affiliate program

Some affiliate programs are easy to get into and others aren’t

You need to be a monetized channel for memberships as well

You need a loyal audience to sell swag 

But you can start asking for donations early on

Decide what you want to use as monetization and make the prerequisites for those things your goal

It may be fast or it may take time

But it is easier to accomplish something when the goal is clear and so is the motive


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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