How To Turn Twitch Clips Into TikToks

TikTok is an amazing platform to promote your Twitch stream and get more followers and subscribers

One great thing about being a streamer is that you already have the content to post on TikTok!

You just need to turn your Twitch clips into TikToks

There are two major ways that you can turn Twitch clips into TikTok, using software or editing manually. Manually editing gives more creative freedom and doesn’t depend on software to do the work, but it does take time to learn and do the editing. Software is more automatic but has less freedom

There is no right answer because it is a personal preference 

But I can compare the options so you can make an educated decision

And a decision doesn’t have to be final because you can always change your mind

Or you can even do a little of both!

If you don’t need anything specific with a video, you can do the software

If you are putting more clips together and need more options, then you can edit manually

It is up to you!

Is TikTok worth the effort?

TikTok is an excellent platform to promote your stream

The top two right now (2022) are YouTube and TikTok

Some benefits of TikTok are:

  • You can grow pretty quick
  • The videos are short
  • Organic growth is amazing
  • You can repurpose them on YouTube Shorts
  • You can build a community there
  • People go viral pretty often
  • Watch time was greater than YouTube in 2020

Some negatives of TikTok are:

  • There is no guarantee that you’ll get good views
  • Editing is very important
  • It is another platform to focus on

There are not many negative to growing on TikTok, but you should only do it when you are stable with Twitch

Don’t overload yourself and become inconsistent on one or both platforms

Remember that TikTok would be a secondary source of traffic

Get established on the primary before taking on a secondary platform

Two ways to turn Twitch clips into TikToks

There are two major ways to turn Twitch clips into TikToks

  1. Streamladder (or other software)
  2. Manual

There are pros and cons to both, but most professional streamers that I have talked to opt for manual

It is easier to do exactly what you want when you do it manually, but using the software could be helpful to get you started 

Streamladder or other software

Streamladder has a free and paid option to change your clips TikToks

It changes the format from horizontal to vertical and adds your stream camera to the video 

There are templates available to make converting your video quick and easy

It has the option to use a URL, upload, or connect to Twitch to choose the video that you want to convert

If you want to add anything extra like stickers, you need to get the premium which is $6 a month


Manually turning your Twitch clips into TikTok is when you use an editing software to edit your videos

You need to download your videos, choose a software, change the format, and add layers if you want to 

To know more about this step by step, check out my article

Manual editing could require you to invest in software, but there are free options

To look at 9 options, check out this article

Manually editing your videos gives you way more freedom because you can create exactly what you want to represent your stream

Videos that you put on social media are like commercials for your stream

They need to represent you and convince the right people to come join you live

Is it better to use automatic software or manually edit?

There is no right answer here because it is a personal preference

If you are just getting started on TikTok and don’t have a lot of time, then the software might be a better choice

It will help you start on TikTok and start getting traffic to your TikTok channel

But if you want to be serious about TikTok growth and getting that growth to your Twitch stream, then learning to manually edit video is a better choice

It does take more time and it takes practice to get good at it, but it is worth it to create amazing videos for your TikTok

If you want to do anything more complicated than just changing the format then manually editing is your best choice

How to manually turn your clips into TikToks

Manually editing your videos doesn’t have to be hard or complicated

It can be as simple or complex as you want it to be 

To get a full walkthrough on making TikToks from clips, read this article

But I will quickly go over the main steps

The first thing you need is a screen recorder

You will need this to post on any social media

Once you have a clip recorded, then you need to download it and add it to an editing software of your choice

Decide if your TikTok will be one clip or many put together

Then you add the clips in order into your editor and start cutting out the parts that will not be in the final video

Shoot for a video that is 40 seconds or less, but 60 seconds or less works too

Don’t go over that even if you have the option because it takes more work and often gets fewer results for you

Once you have the content clipped exactly how you want, then it is time to add a hook

A hook is a statement in the beginning that convinces people to watch your video

Then you add a call to action at the end of the video

This is asking your viewers to do something

The most common is “follow for more”

You can also add layers (words, popups, etc) throughout your video

People often watch TikTok with their sound off so captions are helpful

Once you have all those parts, watch through one more time to make sure you are happy

And that’s it!

Download your new video and post it on TikTok!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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