How To Upload Your Gaming Clips To TikTok

When you are a streamer, the more good traffic you have in your live the better

That is how to grow!

While getting traffic from Twitch is great, that is not your only option

TikTok is a great way to increase your traffic right now and we don’t see that changing any time soon

The good news is that you already have content to post on TikTok

You can upload your gaming clips to TikTok by downloading the clips, editing them for TikTok, and posting them like any other video that you upload from your storage to TikTok. It is a simple process, but expect it to take time. 

One thing to remember before starting your TikTok is that it will take time

It will take time to create the videos that you posted and it will take time for your account to start getting you traffic on your stream

If you are struggling to keep up with a consistent schedule for Twitch alone, adding TikTok may not be the best choice for you

TikTok is secondary

Have a strong system in place for your primary before adding a secondary

This will help avoid overwhelm and burnout

Can I directly upload gaming clips from Twitch?

Twitch is not a system that makes sharing onto other platforms easy

Even if you could directly upload a gaming clip from Twitch, I wouldn’t recommend it

Your gaming clips are going to be horizontal

TikTok videos need to be vertical

There are some horizontal videos that do well on TikTok, but it is a disadvantage

It is best to post your content in the format that the platform prefers

It may take more time to change the dimensions, but it is worth the time

If you want details on how to do that, read my article walking you through it

Should I do any editing before uploading my clips?


Most of your gaming clips are going to come from live streams

There is a huge difference between keeping an audience in a live stream and keeping an audience watching a video

It is very important to edit out all the moments that do not match the goal of the video and to edit out anything that doesn’t keep a viewer’s attention

It is possible to use music and dead space in a video to build suspense

But it takes practice and learning

If you are new to TikTok and editing, start with the easier concepts

If you want to make a funny gaming video, cut out anything that doesn’t tell that story

There shouldn’t be a lot of serious moments in a funny video

Try to edit your videos down to no more than 60 seconds

20-40 seconds is even better

But any longer than 60 seconds is difficult to gain traction on with TikTok

In addition, most people watch TikTok with their sounds off

If the sounds in your video improve your video, then you need to create visuals to replace the sound

Some people will watch with sound, but they won’t mind the visuals

It is a win-win concept

I watch TikToks with my sound but I highly prefer captions and pop-ups that go with the sound

Feel free to have fun and get creative with this, but try not to overdo it

How to upload your first video on TikTok

Once you have edited and downloaded your gaming clip, you are ready to post it on TikTok!

If you have not created an account, that is the first thing you need to do

Add your gamer tag and your name to your profile

And write your bio in a way that explains the type of content you will be posting, who you are, and who you want to reach

It doesn’t have to be full sentences

If you need ideas, check out the profiles of some people that are in similar niches

Don’t copy but you can get ideas!

Once you have your profile done, click the plus icon to create a new video

You can either start recording here or upload it from your device

Since you are using the video that you edited, you want to upload it from your device

Look for the small icon that has a picture of the last file saved on your device that says “Upload” under it

Then select the video that you edited

Now you can do last-minute add-ons like adding a sound from TikTok or a “follow me” popup

Once you are happy, select the arrow

This will bring you to a screen with a caption box and some options below

Duets are when someone records a video next to yours with a shared screen

Stitches are when a few seconds of your video shows before someone else starts their

Decide if you want those options available to your viewers

I always left both on

I also turn off “save to device” because I don’t need a copy of the video with the TikTok watch mark on it

When writing your caption, try to write someone very relevant about the video, but don’t spoil any surprises

When you are done with that, add hashtags

Choose hashtags that are very relevant to your game that has between 2000 and 1 million views

Try not to get any bigger or broader than that

Once that is done, all that is left is to post the video at the bottom right!

The bottom left is the drafts

You can create a video now and post it later

This is a great way to get ahead

So you can edit many videos and then slowly post them throughout the week

You can find your drafts on your TikTok Profile

They are faded gray and say Drafts on them

 How often should I post my gaming content on TikTok?

TikTok is a numbers game 

The more you post consistently, the faster you will grow

Try to post as many times as you can every day without burning yourself out

Consistency is super important

If you want to grow super fast so you can start sending traffic to your stream, shoot for 8-10 videos a day

If you don’t mind growing slower, 1-5 videos a day will work

But it will take a long time to build momentum unless you go viral

Can I post anything else or just gaming clips?


While gaming clips should be a huge part of your content, you can post trending content or talking head content too

Trends are following what is popular on TikTok

If you see many people doing the same thing with a small twist to fit their niche, that is a trend

You can do the same

Use the same sound and basic video, but change the text to match your niche

You can also create talking head videos

These are just you talking to the camera about something

You can invite people to your stream, talk about a game update or more

Just make sure you add captions

Have fun!

TikTok values authentic and real people

The more you relax in your personality, the better you will do


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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