Is Filmora Good For Beginners?

There are a lot of editing software options, but our favorite has been Filmora

Since I started video editing with Filmora, I can give my honest opinion on if it is good for beginners

Filmora is simple editing software that is easy for beginners to learn but has enough features to make an experienced editor happy. It took me about 5-7 hours to fully learn and use the main features of Filmora. That includes just learning to edit my video. Filmora is a great choice for beginners

Both my husband and I learned video editing with Filmora

It has everything you need to edit for YouTube, TikTok, and everywhere else at an excellent price

We were able to learn video editing easier because of the user-friendly set-up, great customer service, and plenty of instructional help

What is Filmora?

Filmora is one of the top editing software options

It is commonly used by video game streamers, but it works the same for any other type of video

I have used Filmora for video game clips, creating talking head TikToks, editing YouTube videos, and more

Filmora was created by a company called WonderShare

It is a video editing software for Windows that specifies in lowering the steps needed to get your end result

It has over 200 templates, 10 Billion+ stock photos, and beautiful effects you can add to your videos

When you have learned all the basic features like text, elements, and transitions…

There are advanced features waiting for you to like:

  • Keyframing
  • Motion tracking
  • Speed ramping
  • Split screen
  • Green screen
  • Blending

You can also adjust the sound as much as you want to

Filmora has over 100 million users in 150 countries

Is it a beautiful software that can help you create amazing videos

Is Filmora simple?

The very first editing software I used was Filmora

If you have any computer experience at all, it is very simple to learn!

The buttons and details are all there, but there are clear and understandable for even beginners

If you are willing to put in some time to practice using the features that you want to want to learn

Filmora also has a lot of instructional blogs and videos

So if you are struggling to do something you will likely find someone that shows you how to do it

How long does it take to be able to use Filmora?

The time that you should expect to devote to learning depends on you

If you are normally good with computers and you learn fast, you could be editing videos in a day or two even if you only spend a few hours a day

I am great with computers and I learn fast

My first video was edited and ready in 2.5 hours the very first time I tried

I had to Google a couple of questions, but since there is so much help with Filmora, I was able to get those questions answered

That is one of the benefits of buying software instead of using free software

You have more help and support if you need it

If you are not good with computers or you take longer to learn something new, expect it to take a while longer

I have seen people that are not technology smart take a couple of weeks to edit their first video on Filmora

It depends on how much time you are willing to spend, how good you are at researching questions, how much experience you have with computers, and more

Just remember that it isn’t a race

If you want to learn video editing

Do it!

It doesn’t matter if you take longer than other people

Many people never reach their goals because they never start

Don’t let that happen to you

Even if it takes you a year to get really good, that year will go fast

You will be thanking yourself a year from now for starting now even though you were nervous

How much does it cost?

One of my favorite parts of Filmora is the value

You get so much and it is a great cost

There are more than one pricing option

  1. Yearly
  2. Bi-yearly
  3. Lifetime

The yearly plan is the cheapest upfront, but the most expensive in the long run

At the time of writing this (2022), the yearly plan is $50 a year

The Bi-yearly is better valued, but more money upfront

This plan is $70 every two years

I decided to go with the lifetime plan

This one is the most expensive, but it is a one-time payment

I paid $80 once and will not be needing to pay any more

I love the lifetime option and it has already paid for itself many times over

If you know that you want to learn video editing and you are not going to quit, the lifetime plan is worth the money

We paid for it years ago, used it for a while, and then stopped

When my husband got into gaming and I got into online marketing, Filmora was paid for even waiting for us start editing again

Even though we didn’t use it for a couple of years, we didn’t have to pay any more

We just updated it and started using it again

For up-to-date pricing info, look at their website

Will I outgrow it fast?

Filmora is great for beginners because it is simple and easy to learn

But you will not grow out of it fast

There are so many features and add-ons that allow Filmora to grow with you

Even if the basic video is easy to learn, that doesn’t mean you can continue learning new features to keep your journey exciting

We have been editing for a few years now and we aren’t even close to outgrowing Filmora

And I don’t think we ever will

If you are getting into professional editing, there may be different requirements

But for online marketing and streaming, Filmora has been perfect for us


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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