Is Gaming a Good YouTube Niche? 9 Tips To Get Started

The first thing you do when starting any YouTube channel is to decide on a niche

As a streamer, you obviously want that niche to be gaming

Gaming is a very popular niche with over 100 Billion watch hours in 2020 alone, but it is also a very saturated niche. Choosing gaming alone is not a good niche on YouTube because of the competition, but choosing a sub-niche is a great choice for the new YouTuber.

It is a terrible feeling to get started on something just to have it not work

So doing research on a niche before starting is wise

Gaming is a VERY large YouTube industry

It is also VERY competitive

That means that new people will struggle to break into the Gaming niche

The good news is that there is one major way to break in

If you are streaming already, I assume you already know what game you focus on 

By taking that game and what you have to offer, you can find a sub-niche to specialize in

These niches are smaller but way less competitive

The golden combination is good traffic with little competition

What makes a good niche?

Good niches have a good amount of traffic but not a lot of competition

You can find out if a niche has traffic by checking the auto search on YouTube and looking at the views that other YouTubers have

If other YouTubers get 5k or more on many of their videos that are less than old, there is good traffic

Obviously more is better, but you need to make sure the traffic is worth your time

You can check for competition by doing the alphabet soup of questions and seeing how many people have answered those questions and how well they did

The alphabet soup of questions is typing part of a question with the niche and seeing what pops up

(Make sure you are not signed on for this)

Then start adding letters

Write down all the questions you think you can answer well

Then go to those searches and see if anyone has answered them

If there are a lot of amazing videos with big YouTubers answering the questions, that is high competition

If there are some small creators that have kinda answered the questions, that is low competition

If the question hasn’t been answered at all, that is no competition

Try to find a niche that has good traffic and low or no competition questions you can answer

The same process goes for statements people search for

9 Tips to start your gaming YouTube channel

Once you have decided that you are going to start a gaming channel on YouTube, there is a lot to learn and test

There are some basic tips that can give you a head start though!

  1. Choose one game and then choose a niche inside of that game
  2. Use the content you stream on Twitch (after the 24-hour old for affiliates)
  3. Do SEO research on YouTube
  4. Create on brand but unique thumbnails
  5. Test out different hooks and titles
  6. Pay attention to what works and test out new concepts
  7. Capitalize on your unique strengths
  8. Decide your target market
  9. Find gaps in the market that people are searching for

Not all of these tips will be a perfect match, but many of them are important for all YouTubers

Take what you can and don’t worry about the tips that don’t apply to you

Choose one game and then choose a niche inside of that game

We already talked about a niche but make sure you are solid on what you choose

YouTube recommends your videos based on what you post about and what people like to see

If YouTube doesn’t know what you talk about, they won’t recommend your videos consistently

You can not only choose one game to focus on but also one part of the game

You could post:

  • Funny content
  • Insane skills
  • Character analysis and builds
  • Quest walkthroughs
  • And more

By focusing on one area until you have nothing else to post before moving on to another subsection of your game, you build authority with YouTube and get the algorithm to help more

Use the content you stream on Twitch (after the 24-hour old for affiliates)

If you stream on Twitch, reuse the content that you record on your streams as much as your can

This will save a lot of time, and you can send people from YouTube to your twitch stream

If you are an affiliate with Twitch, remember that you need to wait 24 hours before posting your stream videos anywhere except on Twitch

Do SEO research on YouTube

YouTube is a search engine, which means that SEO is an important element of being found

Many new YouTubers struggle because they create content that they want to instead of what people want to see

Use the alphabet soup (discussed above) to find out what people want to see and then create content for that

Then use the keyword that you found with the alphabet soup in the title to tell YouTube that you made content for those searches

Create on brand but unique thumbnails

Most people will not look at titles when looking for a video to watch

They will look at the thumbnail

Make your thumbnails similar enough that people will recognize you, but different enough that it is an obvious change for each video

This will help you build a brand without people thinking they have seen a video when they haven’t yet

Test out different hooks and titles

Hooks are important to keep people watching your video

Tell people why need to watch the video and follow through with the promises you make

Titles help people click and stay in the first few seconds of the video

Make your titles clickable and obvious why people should stay

Pay attention to what works and test out new concepts

The more content you post, the more numbers you’ll get telling you what people and what they don’t

Don’t be scared of analytics!

Impressions are how many times your video appeared in front of people

And clicks is how many times people clicked on your videos

If you have low impressions, you need to change your SEO and titles

If you have low clicks, try changing your thumbnails or titles

Pay attention to the videos will good watch time and look for what they have in common

Try to only change one thing on a video at a time so you know what change helped and what didn’t

Give your videos about a week before deciding to change something or not

Capitalize on your unique strengths

Use your strengths

I know how easy it is to see other people succeeding and try to copy

It doesn’t work

Be yourself and capitalize on your strengths

Decide your target market

The target market will help with the language you use

You will talk to a 12-year-old a lot different than you would talk to a 60-year-old

Decide who you connect with and who you help, then make your content for them

Find gaps in the market that people are searching for

I talked about this when I discussed finding out the competition of a niche

This process continues with all your SEO research

Find the searches that YouTube recommends without you signed in to see what other people are searching for

And try to find searches that don’t have anyone talking about that search or videos that don’t cover it well

These searches are gaps in the market and are perfect subjects for you to make a video on!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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