Is Starting a Gaming Channel on YouTube Too Hard Now?

Starting a YouTube channel can be difficult in most niches, but gaming is a very competitive niche

Starting a gaming channel is possible though if you set yourself up for success and if you are willing to put in the time and effort. Gaming as a niche is too broad and difficult to break into. But you can choose a specific game or a niche within a game

Creating a gaming channel should not be the goal

What kind of game?

What kind of content?

There are too many answers to those questions with the broad “gaming” niche

But there could be room for you if you make character builds for Diablo (for example)

When you are first starting, choose one game and choose a couple of content styles

When your channel starts to grow, you can add more then

But focus for now

Are gaming channels popular on YouTube?

Gaming channels are some of the largest channels on YouTube

And gaming videos are some of the most watched

Most people that are playing a game will go to YouTube if they are struggling with something

Me included!

I go to YouTube to help with some of the puzzles in Zelda, Breathe of the Wild

Or for advice when learning to play Diablo 3

Every game is like that

But gamers also like just watching other gamers

My nephew will watch Minecraft videos for hours

And my husband will watch videos for help with Sea of Thieves puzzles

All of those videos come from YouTube

We even call it “YouTubing”

I need to YouTUbe how do [fill in the blank]

So gaming is definitely a HUGE section of YouTube and very popular

YouTube is also the first place most streamers start promoting their Twitch stream

That is just because YouTube is the most well-known place to grow an audience with gaming content

It is competitive?

So we know that gaming is popular, but it is also very competitive

Before you start a gaming channel, it is important to do competition research and find out what kind of content you need to do in order to have a chance of ranking

This will take some practice, but there are gaps in the content that is available now

Have you ever had a question that you couldn’t find on YouTube?

Or you found videos but they were not very good or helpful?

Those would be excellent videos for a newer YouTuber to create a video on 

As long as it is a more common question that will get traffic

By starting very niched down into a gaming niche that needs better content, you are setting your channel up for success

There are so many options for doing this and the best one depends on you

You want to choose a game and video styles that you are good at and enjoy

If you are not naturally funny, making funny videos may not be the best choice

Write down all the games that you would want to create a channel on 

Leave some space for notes next to those games

Next to each one, think of all the content that you can create that is valuable

Examples are:

  • Walkthroughs
  • Character builds
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Updates
  • Improving gameplay
  • Beginner advice
  • And more

This is what you have to offer people

Once you have the list of games and content types of those games, look on YouTube for competition

YouTube questions and see if they were answered

Cross out the ones where you cannot think of a question that isn’t already answered by a big creator

By the end of this, you should have an idea of what niches need better content and what is highly competitive

Is it possible to start a gaming channel is it too late?

To break down tips for success even more, I outlined 9 that you need to think about:

  1. Niche down
  2. Research gaps in the niche
  3. Provide great value
  4. Give it time
  5. Be consistent
  6. Make your channel easy to navigate
  7. Practice video editing
  8. Post often
  9. Learn and use SEO

Some of these are big and some just help

But all of them can make a difference

Niche down

The first thing you need to do for YouTube is finding your niche

I talked a lot about this above

Find something you can make videos on that has traffic but not a lot of competition

Maybe there are no videos on the topic, or maybe there are videos but they aren’t good

Avoid niches where you need to compete for big creators

Research gaps in the niche

Once you have your niche, there will be search terms and questions that are more competitive  and others that are less competitive

Your job is to find search terms and questions that are less competitive that you can create great content on

Even if you need to do research or test something with your game

Filling in the gaps in your niche with great content will help your channel a lot

Provide great value

Every video needs some time of value

Maybe you are teaching your viewer something, or maybe you giving updates on the game

Value could even be a funny video or entertaining video

When you are working on the video that you want to post, ask yourself a question

Why should people watch this video?

Be honest!

If there is no answer, then the video needs to be worked on more until there is an answer to that question

Give it time

Creating a successful YouTube channel takes time

This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme

It takes a lot of time to do the research, creates the videos, and for the channel to take off

Give yourself at least a year or two before questioning if it is working

And go into this knowing that it could take a couple of years to create a successful gaming YouTube channel

Be consistent

In addition to needing time, YouTube needs you to be consistent

Don’t post once this week and wait three weeks before posting again

Shoot for at least once a week

But don’t do five videos a week if you cannot do that long term

Being consistent is really important

YouTube really values their viewers

And they will recommend channels that they believe they can trust

You only build that trust through consistently putting out great content

Make your channel easy to navigate

Not every channel does this, but it is very preferred

Make your channel easy to navigate

Put your videos into playlists and make the channel look nice

When I find a new channel, I always look at its profile to see more content before subscribing

If the channel is confusing or I happened to find the one video they had that interested me…

I won’t subscribe

But it if looks nice and obviously has a lot of content that interests me, I will definitely subscribe!

Practice video editing

Video is the core of YouTube success

So it is a good idea to learn how to edit and make your videos look and sound nice

It doesn’t have to be crazy, but the videos should look good

Post often

The more you post, the faster you will grow

Content is king

So the more you put out content, the better

But make sure you don’t lose being consistent

It is ok to have one month when you post a lot more 

But you should have a normal schedule for most months

Learn and use SEO

SEO is important in every search engine

YouTube is no different

When you found the gaps in content in your niche, your title and description should make it clear that you are answering that gap

Whether it is just content or asking a question

Both YouTube and viewers need to know exactly what they will get from your video


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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