Is Video Editing Hard To Learn?

I started learning video editing shortly after my husband did

He wanted to grow as a streamer and I wanted to help him and grow my own passion projects

Video editing is simple to learn, but there is a lot to learn. The biggest struggle you will have to overcome is the overwhelm. There are so many software options, features, and editing goals to choose from. The best option is to start with the basics, keep learning, and just keep practicing.

By starting with the basics, you can at least start using your videos if that is your goal

You can start your YouTube channel or your TikTok account

You don’t need to be a master video editor to start using your videos

If your goal is to just learn to edit

Maybe you want to get a job or start a business

Freelancing is a real business option for video editors

I still recommend doing something with your videos

It is great show potential clients or employers your videos, but you can also show your video results

People care about results

If you can show them that you got successful YouTube or TikTok videos, they are more likely to trust you

Most people that are hiring you won’t know the specifics of video editing and what makes you great

So having understandable proof is helpful

Can video editing be self-taught?

Video editing is a very simple process in the beginning

It is still a learning process and difficult for many people

But the concepts are simple once you understand them

You can definitely learn video editing from YouTube, online courses, or just trial and error

Just keep in mind that a teacher is always helpful and will speed up your learning a lot

That teacher could be a YouTuber

But trial and error can take a very long like to learn anything

There is so much that you can learn in video editing

So your main job is to choose one thing at a time and to avoid shiny object syndrome

Shiny object syndrome is when you start learning one thing and then you get distracted by something else

You start learning many different things but you never fully learn anything

It can feel like you have been learning and trying forever and have gone nowhere

Trust me

Choose one thing at a time

If you find something new you want to learn while learning something else, use that desire to fuel you to finish what you are learning now

The sooner you learn about your current project, the sooner you can start the next one

Can you make money editing videos?

Video editing is a tedious project and is often the first thing that people want to hire someone else to do

If you are someone that likes video editing and you can get good at it, you have a lot of potential 

You can get hired by a company like any other job, or you can freelance

Freelancing is a business though so make sure that you are prepared for everything that goes into that

If you get a job as a video editor in the United States, you are looking at a salary between %28,586 and $80,314 a year

You make more if you have more experience and live in a higher-paying location

If you decide to freelance, you can set your own prices

But running is business is nothing like having a job

Not only do you need to pay for your time editing videos, but you also need to account for costs, time spent finding clients, communication with clients, an LLC, and more

There is a lot that goes into freelancing so do your research before just jumping in

How do you start learning video editing?

The first thing you need to do when learning video editing is choose an editing software

We use Filmora and would never use something else if we had a choice

If you want to look at some options, check out my post on editing software for video game streamers

If you want to do video editing professionally, get a paid software

It will be worth it!

They are easier to use, less restrictive, and you will not grow out of them as fast

We chase Filmora because it was simple enough for beginners but had enough features for advanced editors

Once you have chosen your software, watch some basic videos about it

Learn about what the software offers and how to use it

At least learn the basics so you know what you are looking at when you get started

Then decide what you want to learn to edit first

Maybe you want to edit YouTube videos

Or you can edit TikTok videos

You aren’t getting trapped in a specific kind of video here, but you are giving yourself a starting place

Once you are done learning about that, you can always learn something else

There is so much to learn in video editing and it is easy to get overwhelmed

By choosing something specific to learn, you are limiting that overwhelm

Video editing is pretty simple

But there are both technical and artistic elements to it

So try your best to avoid doing so much at once that you get overwhelmed

How can I practice video editing?

The only way to practice is to do it over and over again

But I recommend choosing a platform to post your video on because it can be hard to stay motivated when you aren’t seeing any rewards

If you post your videos, you will be able to see what people like so you can learn from that

And you’ll get satisfaction when videos do well

It will keep you motivated to practice because you’ll be doing the same things over and over for social media anyway

This will also give your work proof of concept

You can show potential employers or potential clients the videos that are doing well and show them that your videos get results

You’ll get feedback in the comments too to help you improve

But be careful who you listen to

Some comments will just be bullies

Don’t listen to those ones

Them then roll right off and focus on the people who enjoy your content and give you real feedback

The platform that you choose is completely up to you and your goals

If you choose TikTok, you have a lot of traffic potential, but you would have to start another platform if you decide to start learning horizontal video editing

YouTube has both vertical and horizontal video and is a very rewarding platform

But you will need to learn SEO and more than just video editing

It is up to you, but you need to find the best way to motivate yourself to practice

Even if you think you know and understand something

Practice more

The best AHA moments and learning moments come when you keep practicing when you think you already understand

How long will it take to learn video editing?

You will be learning video editing either for the rest of your life or until you decide to stop

Whatever comes first

There will always be more to learn and there will always be new technology coming out

But you can pretty easily learn the basic editing skills in a week or two

It really depends on how much time you are willing to invest in learning this new skill

I was able to learn the basics and do a good enough video to post in a week

But if it takes you longer, that’s ok!

This isn’t a race

Your timetable might be different with different video editors too

I use Filmora and it is very user friendly

If you use free editing software, it will probably take longer to learn

They are usually more confusing and they don’t have support since they are free

You will also learn faster if you know how to research your questions

There are so many variables, but I have consistently seen even technology-challenged people with free software produce an edited TikTok in a month without experience

Give yourself time

Put in the time to learn

And you’ll do just fine

You got this!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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