How To Learn Video Editing At Home

There are always different ways that you can learn something and what works best depends on you.

When we decided to learn video editing, we did not have money to invest

So we did the best we could with free options and continued to learn through practice

You can learn video editing from Youtube, online schools like outschool, online classes like skillshare, reading blogs like this one, or by trial and error. It is better to learn some of the basics from someone, even if it is in a setting like YouTube because you will learn faster!

How quickly you can learn video editing depends on you, your learning style, and the time you can commit

I learn extremely well through videos and online courses, but others would learn best with an instructor

My best advice for learning video editing at home is to jump in and get started

Have fun with the process and expect mistakes

If you run into something you don’t understand, then look it up!

Another thing you need to keep in mind is the editing software you use and your computer’s ability

Those two things will impact your learning greatly

3 Different ways to learn video editing at home

There are many different ways that you can learn video editing at home but I want to give three options (One being specifically for kids)

There is YouTube/Blogs, SkillShare, or Outschool

Let’s go over each in detail to get you started!


Using resources like YouTube and blog articles are my favorite way to learn because it is free

There is so much information out there ready for you

Only bad thing is that there is no structure

There are no steps to follow so if free-range learning is hard for you then learning this way may be difficult

I share a lot of tips on this blog every month that is made for streamers so make sure to check in regularly!

So if you are a Twitch streamer, make sure to stick around because everything I make is for you!

Learn Video Editing At Home


SkillShare is an online platform where you can learn a wide variety of skills

I have not used them yet but I have .heard great things about them!

Just make sure you really look at the class and reviews before buying anything

I don’t have any specific recommendations because we just learned from YouTube and blogs

But if you need a structured class, SkillShare may be a great option for you!


Outschool is specifically for kids under 18

There are some amazing teachers on outschool for every subject

Many video editing classes for ages 7 and up pop up when you search their available classes

Once again, really do your research on the specific class you are looking at before buying it

I don’t have any recommendations for specific classes because no one in my family has taken a video editing course there

I cannot say how good anything is without personally experiencing it!

But I have heard great things about many classes on Outschool so it may be a great option for you if you are looking for classes for a minor

Can editing be self-taught?

I believe that most things can be self-taught, but it is rarely the best option

I am a huge DIY person

If I want to do something, I just figure it out

With time, however, I have moved away from my refusal to learn from others

I have already shared a great option for learning video editing from other people without interacting with other people or buying courses

And there are many courses you can buy without being in a live class as well

Video editing is simple enough in the beginning to teach yourself, but you will learn better and faster when someone shows you what to do. You don’t need to make it harder on yourself. Watch some videos, read some blog articles, practice, and enjoy the process!

If you do decide to teach yourself video editing, then it is important to pick one editing software and just spend a lot of time playing with the features

There are so many things you can do in video editing so getting familiar with the options you have is important. 

There shouldn’t be any part of your software that you have not investigated

If you are learning through YouTube and Blogs, then you can learn one skill at a time that you are interested in

Just type in how to [skill of your choice] in [editing software]

Even if your specific software doesn’t appear, most software will be built similar

So just do the best you can to compare the video/article to your editing software!

Is video editing easy to learn?

There is a range of skills when it comes to video editing just like any skill

Beginner video editing is very easy to learn! The software you choose and the computer that you use will make a big difference, but it isn’t hard to do enough video editing to post on YouTube or TikTok. There are ways to get more complicated, like with Broll, but that isn’t required.

The major things you need to learn when you begin video editing is resizing the video you record and cutting out the parts you don’t want

Resizing is very important if you plan to post on TikTok, but it can get rid of unneeded space for a YouTube video as well

Then you use the scissors in the editing software to cut out dead space, mistakes, or retakes

And that’s it!

A very basic video

You can learn to add text, photos, change the sound volume, and more after you’ve mastered those first two skills

There is always more you can learn!

There are some differences between editing for TikTok and editing for YouTube

If you are a Twitch streamer that is ready for YouTube, check out this blog post next!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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