How Do You Make Good Game Content For TikTok Growth

TikTok is a platform that has a lot of potential but it can also get frustrating fast

With the increasing numbers of creators, TikTok is getting more picky about what videos are shown to people

And getting views from followers is great, but the goal is to land on the For You page of many new people

Creating good game content for TikTok growth is simple. Keep the videos interesting, use a hook, use a CTA, and post ALOT. Consistency is important too because it takes time to gain traction.

There isn’t a formula for content that will go big every time, but there is a formula to increase your chances

Even if you don’t go viral, you can still grow great on TikTok

Going viral is just an extra treat!

Is gaming popular on TikTok?

Gaming content is very popular and gets a lot of viewers on TikTok

If you look at the hashtags alone, you’ll see many that are in the millions and billions

If you want to know if your specific target audience is on TikTok, take a look at the hashtags

Type in the game you play and you’ll see the hashtags that match and how many views they get

You don’t want to use those huge hashtags when you post, but they do help get you excited!

When you are posting a video, add hashtags that are as closely related to the video as possible, but under 1 million views

This is because it is easy to get lost in those huge hashtags

It is better to be found in a hashtag with 500,000 views than to be lost in a hashtag with 2 billion views

How do I edit a gaming clip for TikTok?

There are a few ways to create TikTok videos with your gaming clips

One way is to use a tool like Outplayed to capture short clips that you can clean up and post to TikTok

Another way is to manually find the small parts of your stream that you want to post, cut out the rest, and create your own clip

To learn more about these options, read my article on converting Twitch clips to TikToks

How to get more views on TikTok gaming videos

Now that you are ready to get started on TikTok, now it is time to create a plan

I have 9 tips to get more views on TikTok:

  1. Choose a game and a niche
  2. Use smaller hashtags
  3. Post a lot
  4. Use a hook
  5. Use a CTA
  6. Make your videos visually appealing
  7. Do a mix of evergreen and trending content
  8. Post consistently
  9. Test and learn as you go

Choose a game and a niche

TikTok can push your content to the right people easier if it can figure out what you are about

It is a good idea, at least at first, to choose a game and choose what you have to offer

What you have to offer could be:

  • Tutorials
  • Walkthroughs
  • Character profiles
  • Montages
  • Humor
  • Stories while you play
  • And more

Just give people consistency so they know what to expect from you and keep coming back for more

Use smaller hashtags

I know it is tempting to use the huge hashtags and hashtags like #FYP

But those usually hurt your video

Instead, choose as many smaller hashtags as you can that match your video

No generic stuff

A smaller hashtag is 1 million views or less

Post a lot

This is the hard part

It takes a lot of videos and some time to get momentum

It could feel like you are going no where for a couple weeks

When I was going after my first 1k followers, I posted 10 videos a day Monday-Friday

The first week was pretty quiet, but then momentum happened

I was able to go from 150 followers to over 1k in about 3 weeks with that schedule

Once I reached that goal, I lowered to 2-5 videos a day

Use a hook

Using a hook is so important

People decide if they will watch or scroll in the first 2-5 seconds of watching your video

The hook is used during this time to convince them to stay

A good hook gives them enough information to tell the viewer that they want to keep watching, but not so much that they don’t need to watch it to get the information

Use a CTA

A CTA is a Call-To-Action

This just means you are asking the viewer to do something

A common CTA is “follow for more”

Ask your viewers to do something important 

It may feel weird at first but it is very important!

Make your videos visually appealing

TikTok is a visual platform

Many people don’t even turn on the sound!

So use great visuals and add text on the screen that helps the people that watch with no sound

It will make a huge difference!

Do a mix of evergreen and trending content

Everygreen content is content that is relevant today, tomorrow, and a year from now

This content is helpful because TikTok will push out old content sometimes to see how it does

Trending content has the potential to go big now, but will die out

A mix of both is important for your channel to be sustainable

Post consistently

TikTok is a snowball platform

That means that it builds momentum and you post consistently

Consistent just means knowing how many videos you will post and on what days

I created the snowball effect when I posted 10 videos a day Monday-Friday

I didn’t post everyday, but it still counted as consistency

Test and learn as you go

Lastly, every audience is a little different

One video can do terrible with one hook,

But blow up with a different hook

Same content, different hooks

Test and learn as you go

And never delete a video (unless it goes against guidelines)

You never know when TikTok will push out a video

It could be tomorrow, or it could in a few months

Just keep posting and leave the content there to do its thing!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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