How To Make Your Twitch Clips Look Great on TikTok

TikTok is a powerful platform for organic growth right now

It is an excellent way to start promoting your Twitch stream without getting overwhelmed with YouTube

But TikTok does have its own process

To make Twitch clips look good on TikTok, you need to format your video vertically, have great value in a small time frame, get good at hooks, remember the call to action, and use the right hashtags. It is a simple process once you know how to do it.

Having so many things to think about and learn when you start TikTok can feel overwhelming

And you’ll hear that you need to post 8-10 times a day to grow

That will definitely make you grow fast, but that is not what you need to worry about right now

Right now, you need to learn how to effectively make TikTok

Once that is no big deal to you, then you can worry about creating enough videos to grow quickly

What makes TikTok different from other platforms?

TikTok is a trend disruptor

They created something very different from all other social media platforms and everyone expected it to fail

But it became so popular that it passed YouTube in watch time hours in 2020

It has powerful organic potential and a unique community 

Because of the success, other platforms started copying them

That is how we got IG reels, FB reels, YouTube shorts, Pinterest story pins, and more

All the trends that happen on those platforms start on TikTok

So you are ahead by getting started on TikTok and reusing the content you make on other platforms that you want to grow

Do you have to edit your Twitch clips to use them on TikTok?

It is very important to create content that feels natural on TikTok

You don’t want to feel out of place with your viewers

Because Twitch clips are naturally horizontal and TikTok uses vertical videos…

Editing your Twitch clips before adding them to TikTok is extremely important

Feeling out of place harms your TikTok growth

Changing your video format is not that harmful so it is worth the effort

Many people watch TikTok without the sound too

So adding visuals and captions can help your videos a lot on TikTok

Lastly, the best TikToks are 60 seconds or less

Even better if you can do 40 seconds or less

So editing your clips is required to cut out the things you don’t need in your video and make them the right length

9 steps to making your Twitch clips look great on TikTok

It is simple to create content for TikTok!

It just takes some practice to create and master a system

My 9 steps to creating TikToks with Twitch clips are:

  1. Have a good screen recorder
  2. Download clips from the recorder
  3. Choose an editing software
  4. Format the video
  5. Choose evergreen or trending content
  6. Choose the value you have for the video
  7. Create a hook
  8. Create a CTA
  9. Upload with hashtags

9 steps may seem like a lot but they don’t need to be repeated every time

Once you do step 1, you are done 

The others range from a few seconds to an hour or two of time

Have a good screen recorder

The first thing you need to make TikToks is a good screen recorder

We use Outplayed

It records everything and you can capture specific clips automatically

For example, you can have it automatically make a 60-second clip every time you make a headshot

Download clips from the recorder

Once you have the videos recorded from your streams, all you have to do is download them

Go to your video library, choose the videos you want to use on TikTok, click the three dots next to them, and select download

Choose an editing software

You also need to decide what you are going to use to edit your videos

We like to use Filmora

It is easy to learn, had a lifetime payment option, and is excellent for editing stream clips

If you want more options, check out my article on different ways to edit your stream clips

Format the video

Now it is time to begin editing

The first thing you need to do is select the little computer screen on the middle right of the screen and choose to change the video ratio

Then change the dimensions to 1080 x 1920

It will be backward from the default

This will change what you can see when you add your clips

If you need to adjust what is visual, double-click the video preview and drag where you want it

You may need to use the squares on the corners to cut out the empty space above and below the video too

Choose evergreen or trending content

Trending content is using sounds that are trending now but will die out

It could last a day, or it could last a couple of weeks

But it will die out

Evergreen content is original content that will be relevant for months or years

A combination of both is important for your channel

Do a 3:1 ratio

3 videos that are evergreen and 1 video that is trending

Choose the value you have for the video

You need to decide what you are offering in your video so you can focus on that during that 30-second goal for the value section of your video

Examples of the value that you can choose are:

  • Shocking moment
  • Funny moments
  • Action shot
  • Character review
  • Character build
  • Tutorials
  • A cool thing you found
  • So on

The value is what the viewer will get out of watching your video

Create a hook

Once you know what you are offering and have that solitary in your editor, now it is time to add the hook

The hook is extremely important since it convinces people to watch

Give them a statement that gives enough information that they want to watch but not enough information to spoil the surprise

This goes before the content and should be no longer than 5 seconds

Create a CTA

A CTA is a call-to-action

This is asking your viewer to do something

The most simple CTA is “follow for more” and can be text on the screen

This should be no longer than 5 seconds at the end of the video

Upload with hashtags

Once you have a completed video, now it is time to download and upload it to TikTok

The last step is to choose hashtags

Don’t use the large and broad hashtags

Hashtags are mainly there to help people search and to tell TikTok what you are offering if your video

The goal is to be as specific as you can and to have views on the hashtag between 2k and 1 million

Don’t go over 1 million because you’ll get lost


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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