OBS vs Twitch Studio: Which is better?

In order to go live on Twitch, or most other platforms, you need a software to help

There are two big options for Twitch streamers

  1. OBS
  2. Twitch Studio

There are other options too, but these are two of the best and we are going to compare them!

In most categories, OBS is better than Twitch Studio. Twitch studio is a more user friendly software that is very fast to learn, but struggles in every other category. OBS takes longer to learn, but it the best once you learn it.

Even with all the specs, you should try both and see what works best for you

Some streamers really like Twitch Studio, while others complain that is crashes way too much

Some streamers love OBS, but it can take a minute to learn how to use it which is stressful for a new streamer

Whichever option you choose, you aren’t stuck

This is just the tool that you use to go live on Twitch

Both are free

So just pick one, give it a shot, and switch if you hate it!

Twitch Studio Pros and Cons

Twitch studio is a very simple and easy to use software

It is very basic and doesn’t need any customizing

Because it is easy to use, many streamers will start here

But you don’t have to!

Twitch Studio was created by Twitch for use on their platform

Some of the important positive features are:

  • Automatic game detection: Twitch studio is able to detect what game you are playing and document it accordingly
  • Built-in chat to see messages from watchers while playing
  • Easy setup: Twitch made Twitch studio with a new streamer in mind so it is very simple
  • Internet speed and interruptions checker

Overall, the biggest pro that twitch studio has over competition is how easy it is to use

There is no crazy learning curve 

But with that comes the major issue

Many users have discussed the frustrations with Twitch Studio like:

  • Not customizable
  • Heavy requirements from internet and computer so crashing happens
  • Heaver CPU Usage (10-20%) caused by a heavy interface
  • Can’t undo a deletion unless it is a video layer
  • Only usable on Twitch

Since Twitch studio was made very simple with the new streamers in mind, there are very few options to add depth or customize your stream

It is also a tough software for your computer to run

Combine that with a game that requires a lot from your computer and you’ll run into a lot of lag and other issues

Most streamers that I talked to say that it isn’t worth it in the end

You’ll quickly grow out of this software because there is no room for you to improve yourself or your stream

Another issue is it is only compatible with Twitch

If you ever wanted to stream onto YouTube or TikTok, you’ll have to use a different software

OBS Pros and Cons

OBS is what we use because it is so customizable and isn’t hard to use once you learn it

Even if it has a rougher learning curve, OBS is appropriate for both beginner streamers and advanced streamers

You have the ability to add as much or as little as you want by choosing the plugins to install

Some of the positive features of OBS are:

  • Plugins: Plugins are addons that customize your software to your needs. To see what the options are, click here
  • Compatibility with multiple platforms like YouTube and Facebook. This is helpful if you ever want to stream with a new platform because you will not have to learn a new software
  • Minimal impact on internet, battery, and computer functions
  • Open-source where people continue to contribute to make it better
  • Amazing organization to keep track of your videos

No matter how great a software is, there are always cons

Many users have discussed the frustration with OBS like:

  • Takes time to learn and master
  • No undo button if you accidentally delete a video
  • Lag if you don’t have a strong computer (6GB of RAM and i3 CPU PC)

The #1 complaint I saw was that it took time, trial, and error to learn OBS for the first time

All other negatives took a lot of digging for me to find

This means that OBS is an amazing option once you learn how to use it

Many users that I talk to said that it is worth just jumping to OBS so you don’t have to learn more than one software if you plan to use it at all

Who wins when compared?

At the end of the day, the best one is a preference 

There are two major things to look at when choosing a software for your live streams:

We look at usability and performance

Usability is how easy we can learn and use each software

Performance is how well the software works and how much it effects the stream when used

We have already decided that Twitch Studio is easier to learn than OBS

But we are finding that people are having less trouble with learning OBS the more comfortable with computers and software they get in general

If you are a younger streamer, the usability might not be a problem for you at all

There are also a lot of resources online to help you learn OBS if that is the one you choose

However, many streamers outgrow Twitch Studio

So it may be easier to learn, but it is classified as a beginner software

You will likely need to change what you use later if you choose Twitch studio

Twitch studio is also heavy on the CPU usage and is prone to technical issues when using it

Most streamers I talked to agreed that OBS has a way better performance than Twitch Studio

We chose OBS for streams when we were active, but it really is a preference

I highly encourage using OBS so you have more freedom in the future

You’ll be able to stream on more platforms if you want to, and you can customize and have fun with the one on Twitch

Have fun streaming!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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