9 Most Popular Gaming Content On YouTube

When you are new, it can be overwhelming to know what to post on YouTube 

You want to be successful and grow your channel!

One of the ways you can do that is to see what is working for others and take inspiration (don’t copy anyone!)

As of September 2022, the most popular games on YouTube are FIFA 23, Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, Apex Legends, Splatoon 3, Call of Duty: Warzone, Fortnite, Battlegrounds Mobile India, and PUBG. The content that they offer ranges from gameplay to tips to updates.

If you don’t see the game you want on the list, that’s ok!

Honestly, breaking into the most popular games can be challenging

It is better to look into the sub-niches of the games to find out if there is potential to break in

You need to find a niche that:

  • You enjoy
  • Has low competition
  • Has good search volume

This can take some time

Finding your niche is the foundation

But you can always take inspiration from the bigger content creators!

What is popular on YouTube Gaming?

There are many games and content types that are popular on YouTube

And it changes all the time!

People tend to watch videos that help them in some way

Content types like:

  • Walkthroughs
  • Character builds
  • Design ideas
  • Game updates
  • How to videos
  • Tips and tricks

The most popular types of videos really depend on the game

Do some research into other creators that are streaming the same game

What are they doing?

Is it successful or unsuccessful?

Doing some competition analysis is important so you don’t get into a high competition or low search volume niche and learn the hard way

What games are popular on YouTube?

Games that are popular on YouTube shift and change a lot

There are some that have been consistent for a while, like Minecraft and Fortnite

But things change a lot in the gaming world

In September of 2022, YouTube said that these are the most popular games currently:

  1. FIFA 23
  2. Grand Theft Auto V
  3. Minecraft
  4. Apex Legends
  5. Splatoon 3
  6. Call of Duty: Warzone
  7. Fortnite
  8. Battlegrounds Mobile India
  9. PUBG 

As you can see, they are extremely different

If you are choosing a game based on popularity, I want to give a warning

People will tell if you are doing something inauthentically

They can tell if you are in it for the money alone

It is better to choose a game that is decent in watcher volume and you enjoy than to choose a game you don’t like because it is popular

What kind of content do some of the top channels make for each game?

Once you have chosen a game to investigate, now it is time to see what they do and how the competition is

I am going to use the same examples that I gave above to make it easy

FIFA 23: DjMaRiiO

Since this is a sports game, most of his videos appear to be competitive analysis

“Who will win?” kind of content

It is in Spanish so I would look for more examples if I wanted to get into this game niche

Grand Theft Auto V: GTAMedia

GTAMedia looks like they create a lot of funny or surprising content

The Thumbnails are similar enough that you can see that they go together but different enough to easily see the difference

Minecraft: Fiizy

Fiizy also has very similar thumbnails

They are a little more different than I often see in successful channels, but obviously, it works for him

He posts content that makes you want to see a surprising moment in his gameplay and content that teaches the viewer something

Apex Legends: iiTzTimmy

iiTzTimmy has a very clear channel

He uses his face to make his thumbnails similar, but they are also different enough

He posts content that teaches viewers, shows his skills, and surprising moments from his stream

He is also on a few different platforms

Splatoon 3: NintendoBase

NintendoBase has a channel that clearly goes together

Thumbnails are pretty similar, but they look very nice

He has recently posted a lot of content that gives viewers a preview of the game

Call of Duty: Warzone: Tim The Tatman

Tim The Tatman also has a very nice channel with a great thumbnail balance

He posts funny videos, comparisons, and shocking moments

He obviously does well with his channel with how successful it is and that he can be a full-time content creator

Fortnite: Ninja

Ninja is a very successful YouTuber and you can instantly tell that he is monetized when you see the option to join his channel

His thumbnails are balanced and fun

They are eye-catching!

His content seems to be surprising moments, updates, and educational

I wouldn’t recommend a new YouTuber to use headlines like these

He gets away with having no “what’s in it for me” factor in the title because he has so many raving fans

World of Tanks: QuickyBaby

QuickyBaby has a beautiful channel

The thumbnails are balanced and very eye-catching

His content has a lot of reviews and sneak peeks into the game

You can see that he is on a few different channels and live streams on Twitch

His channel clearly both educated and entertains

PUBG: Tomographic

Tomographic also has an obvious theme

Thumbnails look like they go together but are similar enough

Tomographic is a creator that posts a few different games, but they are all first-person shooters

He has a nice playlist for all his PUBG content

There are a lot of updates, information, shocking moments, and review videos

We can see that all these creators made videos with obvious value to the viewer

Some of them break some of the rules but they can get away with it because they build a fantastic foundation

Remember that these creators have a channel that is already doing amazing and gained momentum

They can get away with breaking more rules than a brand new channel

Learn what you can, test things out on your page, and just don’t quit


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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