What Are The Most Popular Types of Gaming Videos on TikTok?

TikTok is a rapidly growing platform with a ton of potential

In 2020, TikTok passed YouTube in total watch time!

That’s crazy!

The most popular gaming videos on TikTok are the ones that are funny, fun conversations, unusual situations, game suggestions and previews, game updates, interesting game clips, unboxing, relatable videos, and unexpected endings

One major thing I say in common was that the best videos had the streamer in the video as well

People like connecting with people

That is why using your video and voice is so encouraged on TikTok

It is a platform built for connection

Creating videos that build that connection through your face, voice, and personality will do best because you will start to get fans instead of having to catch attention from scratch every time

Give people a human behind the games and your channel will do better in the long run

What are the types of gaming videos?

There are many types of gaming content

Some do amazing on TikTok, while others do not

A few examples of gaming content are:

  • Gaming with story voiceover
  • Tutorials
  • Character profiles
  • Reviews
  • Unboxing videos
  • Montages
  • Trick shots
  • Unexpected endings
  • Humer
  • Highlights from a stream
  • Cute moments
  • Surprising moments
  • Intense moments
  • Walkthroughs
  • And more

There are unlimited ideas that you can come up with 

Just be creative and see what people like!

Don’t judge if people like the content or not based on one or two videos though

It takes time for TikTok to work and some videos with be a miss regardless of what you do

Spend a couple of weeks with the types you want to try before deciding to keep them or leave them

Gaming types that you keep need to be:

  • Something you enjoy
  • Something your audience enjoys
  • Content that is easy to get from your stream
  • Representative of your stream
  • Includes your personality

If you find content that matches all of those, you found a winner for you!

Why is it important to understand the types?

It is important to understand the types of content because knowing what type you are going for avoids confusion

Without a clear goal for the video, your audience won’t know what to think either

If you don’t have any emotions with a video, neither will they

Humans are very emotional creatures and they need a “what’s in it for me” factor with everything 

If there is no clear value in your content, people will not stay and watch it

Value could be:

  • Educational
  • Entertainment
  • Relatable
  • Or a mix

All value means is there is a clear reason for people to watch the video

Don’t post just to post  

There is a careful balance between quality and quantity

You want to post A LOT to get momentum on TikTok

But you want to post good content

You also don’t want to get so worried about the quality that you struggle to post more than twice a week

Chose the types of content that you want to offer and just get that content posted

Knowing the types of content will also help you choose hashtags

You want to avoid using hashtags that have over 1 million views

This may seem opposite

It feels like you need the biggest hashtags

But those actually hurt your account more than they help

Shoot for between 2k and 1 million views

This will make you get specific with your choices

TikTok will have more information so they can send your videos to the right people

And if someone goes one of the hashtags, you aren’t instantly lost among all the other videos that are being posted with that hashtag too

What are the most popular types of gaming content?

The most popular types of content depend on the game you are playing

If you look up the game you want to post about, you will see the most popular content for that game

When you look up “Apexlegends” on TikTok, you see:

  • Tips
  • Funny moment during a stream
  • Relatable clips
  • Highlights
  • Updates

Those types of content are the best ranking for that search phrase

When you look up “Minecraft” on TikTok, you see, 

  • Awesome creations
  • Tips
  • Intense moments
  • Design ideas
  • Jokes
  • Funny moments

When you look up “Diablo 3” on TikTok, you see:

  • How to’s
  • Updates
  • Gameplay
  • Reactions
  • Speed runs
  • Cutscenes

You get the point

Don’t copy other creators, but look at what is working and not working for other gamers

Then take what you see as inspiration!

There are so many options and so many ways to be successful on TikTok

If you are not sure that the content type that you want to offer will work, try it!

Try it for a few weeks or months

Remember that TikTok is a long-term platform

It might take a while to get momentum on a video

And that momentum might now come until months later when the video is pushed out again

Never delete videos that you don’t think are successful

Unless they go against community standards

Just because your idea is popular on TikTok now doesn’t mean you won’t be successful

Every topic was small until people started using it!

That is how trends work to

One person posts something that makes many people want to join them

Then it becomes huge within weeks!

Have fun and show a lot of relatable personalities

Even weirdos have thousands of other weirdos that relate to them!

If you are scared to be vulnerable and show your personality, start small

Choose three things about you that you want your audience to know and include them in your videos

The more you show that side of you, the more you will see that people are relating to you

When people relate to you, you get both fans and raving fans

But you also get haters

You will have mean people when you get bigger

There is no “if” or “maybe”

So as you grow on TikTok, be ready for the haters and don’t give them the time of day

Or use their hate as inspiration for more content!


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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