The 6 Steps To Editing Videos Like a Pro

Once of the things that helps pro video editors get so good is following a process that works

It is easy to get stuck or lost when creating a project, and a process helps prevent that

The 6 steps to editing videos are: gather your clips, organize your clips, create a rough draft, cut out the parts you don’t want, add layers, and finish the details. Following this process helps you create a video like a pro smoothly.

Often times, the first step is the hardest

You don’t have a vision yet so it is easy to feel lost and frustrated

The first thing you can do is look through the content you already have saved

If you are streaming regularly, you should already have content

If you have a clip that looks like it needs to stand alone…

Then you have already gathered your clips

If you have several amazing  clips that are similar, 

Then put them together as a montage

Sometimes the hardest part is to get start

What process of video editing should I follow?

Once you have a process, video editing gets a little easier

You will still have to learn and practice each step, but you won’t be lost on what to do next

My process for video editing is:

  1. Gather your clips
  2. Organize your clips in order
  3. Create a rough draft
  4. Cut out the parts you don’t want
  5. Add layers of text, sound, and/or popups
  6. Finish cleaning the details and finish it

If you are learning how to edit then I highly recommend starting at step one and just moving through the steps as you finish them

Don’t get too ahead of yourself with your first video

Gather your clips

The first thing you need to do is look at the clips you have and choose one or more to work with

Remember to make  goal for the video

Will you be doing a walkthrough or a montage?

If you have a goal, then finding the content gets a little easier

Changing your goal when you see your content is okay too

Just make sure you have at least one clip that you want to work with

Choose how many based on the length of video that you need

Organize your clips in order

Once you have your clips, add them to your video editor

I like to use Filmora

Once they are uploaded, you can start putting them in the order

Just keep playing with it until you like the story that your video tells

Create a rough draft

Once you have the clips in order, cut out all the big empty spaces

There is likely parts of the clip that you choose the clip for and parts that you don’t want included

Take out the parts that you don’t want included now

Don’t get picky here

Just quickly cut off the big parts

Pro tip: save your project regularly so you don’t lose your work if a glitch happens

Cut out the parts you don’t want

Once you have the big parts cut out, now cut out the details that you don’t like

Watch through the video and start cleaning up the details

Don’t get stuck worrying about the details of one area, but try to have all the the cutting done on this step

Remember that done is better than perfect

Just do the best you can and use the amazing tools your editor has to offer

Add layers of text, sound, and/or popups

Once the video is fully editing, now it is time to add layers

Layers can be anything to add on top or under the video you have made so far

You can add text to emphasis something you said or you can add text wtih voiceover to narrate

This is when you add transitions too

The transitions make moving from one clip to another seamless

Play with it until you like the look

Have fun here but try to not overdo it

You don’t want to overwhelm the viewers!

Finish cleaning the details and finish it

You have finally done all the editing!

The last step is to watch it through one more time and change any time details that need it while you go

If possible, take at least 2 hours before starting this step to watch it with clear eyes

Once you have finished this final review…


You have a completed video

What is the 321 rule in editing?

While you are editing videos and honing your skills, understanding the 321 rule could be valuable

The 321 rule prevents you from losing all your work if there is an accident

The 321 rule states to keep:

  1. Three copies of your work
  2. Two different places
  3. One in a physically separate place from the others

This prevents losing your work in there is a fire that destroyed your computer, or a hacker that destroys your files

I follow this rule with blogging too

I use Google drive to save it so I can access from any device

Then I keep it on my website 

And I keep it on Asana

There has bee a few times where my website glitched and I lost a few blog articles

Those articles would have been gone if I only kept them on my website

That would have been 9 hours of work lost

Thankfully that wasn’t what happened for me

I was able to just go into my Google drive, copy the articles that I lost, and put them back on my website

It was like nothing happened at all!

I was also able to figure out what caused the glitch to prevent the issue in the future

If you have anything valuable, it is wise to create an insurance

In the online content world, that means making copies that are in separate places

That way you don’t fully depend on any platform

No one is perfect so we need to be ready if something happens


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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