Top 9 Content Ideas For Gamers on YouTube

There are so many different ways to create content

But I looked at some of the most popular kinds of content with a large variety of games

Here are 9 examples!

  1. Reviewing game updates: APEX
  2. Challenges: Diablo
  3. Game Walkthroughs: Call of Duty 1
  4. Breaking records: Minecraft
  5. Getting something rare: Zelda Breath of the Wild
  6. Tips and Tricks: Pokemon Arceus
  7. Funny fails: Rainbow Siege
  8. Humor using real life: Luigi’s Mansion 3
  9. TikTok videos put together: Overwatch

As I said, there are pay more ways to make content

But you get some amazing inspiration from the videos in each of these categories

Most of the content ideas can be used for any game

But remember, all you can do while watching others’ content is take inspiration

Do not copy others’ content

Reviewing game updates: APEX

If you play your game a lot, you will probably get to try out new updates before other people

Reviewing new characters, maps, and other updates is a great option for content

People want to know what to expect

They want to know if the updates are good and what is not good

This is usually an opinion type of content though

So even if someone else creates a similar video, your followers will want to know what you think

If you don’t have a lot of followers yet, try to do a review that stands out

Look at what has been done and think about what you can do to be different

Then highlight that difference

When people watch update reviews, they often watch more than one

If your content stands out and catches eyes, your videos will get more views

Challenges: Diablo

Challenges are fun to record and fun to watch

In this Diablo challenge, the goal was to go through the game without weapons

But you can take challenges in many different ways

What is something that you do in the game just by default?

Would it be challenging to go through the game without that thing?

Another example could be beating Pokemon with only one Pokemon on your team 

Normally you have six on a team, and beating the game with only one would be a lot more difficult

Get creative with this and hype it up!

Creating the content will probably take some time

But challenges don’t have to be beating the game without something

Do some thinking and have fun with this one!

Game Walkthroughs: Call of Duty 1

Walkthroughs are a helpful tool for people that are struggling through the game or deciding if they want to buy it

Not all walkthroughs need to be the entire game like this Call of Duty example

It could be a specific part of the game or getting a specific item

All you need for walkthroughs is the walk your viewer through some part of the game

These are also the “how to” videos

So if you know how to do something or get something in the game you play, that is a great option for content

Breaking records: Minecraft

Breaking records is always fun

And watching them is fun too!

This video showcases many Minecraft records being broken

Doing this content requires you to look up records for your game, or you can talk about personal records if you wanted to

Just keep in mind that doing personal records opens you to people trash-talking in the comments

Have fun with this!

Some records are more fun to tackle than others

And some will take a lot of time

Getting something rare: Zelda Breath of the Wild

Griding games have no many parts and some may not be well known

I played Zelda BOTW, but I didn’t know about getting this pet until I saw this video

If you found something rare and cool, make a video of it!

This is similar to walkthroughs, but I wanted to give it a new category because it isn’t as searchable

Doing a video on something that people aren’t searching for because they don’t know it exists is fine for larger channels, but painful for smaller channels

If you don’t have a following, you are depending on creating searchable content

You can still make rare item videos searchable if you focus on the game name and say rare items or rare pets in the description

But that is something to keep in mind when creating your content

Tips and Tricks: Pokemon Arceus

I really enjoyed playing Pokemon Arceus, but there are definitely a few things that I looked up help for

There are usually a lot of layers to the best games, and viewers love the tips and tricks videos

You can do tips and tricks for every game!

There could be tips for beginners, intermediate, or expert players

Or you can do a video that mixes those player levels together

The most important thing here is to try to teach people things that you have learned from playing

Try to mix your personal tips will well-known tips

If you give 9 tips and all of them are 100% unique, people will question if you are just making it up

But if you mix well-known tips and unique tips, people will trust your word more

Also, try to stick to an odd number

Something about the human mind pays more attention to odd numbers

Funny fails: Rainbow Six Siege

Funny fails videos are some of my favorites

Life can be so serious all the time so it’s nice to just laugh sometimes

This video is all about funny fails while playing Rainbow Six Siege

This is another kind of content that you can do with any game

Every game has the option for funny moments and stupid mistakes

You just need to be willing to show that to make these videos

Some people get really proud and get embarrassed to show their fails and mistakes

But viewers enjoy watching this content

You just have to decide if you are willing to share it

Humor using real life: Luigi’s Mansion 3

Real-life recreates are also usually very funny

This requires a little more acting on your part, willingness to wear a costume, and possibly other people to be silly with you

If you cosplay alone with streaming, this would be an excellent type of content

Don’t take these too seriously and have some fun

If you are enjoying yourself while creating this content, that will shine through to the viewers 

TikTok videos put together: Overwatch

If you are on TikTok too, you can take some of your most successful TikTok videos and put them together

That is what this Overwatch creator did

You can put videos together based on topic, success, and more

But I don’t recommend putting many videos together that have the same sound

That will get annoying fast

The good thing about this is that it doesn’t take a lot of time

You already have all the videos made

You just need to put them together to make a longer video


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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