How To Start Learning Video Editing For Beginners

Learning a new skill is always challenging

People online make it look so easy!

Learning video editing is not a hard process, but it does take 6 important parts: equipment, software, a goal, a brand, practice, and patience. None of these are difficult to get, but it does require some time and money. 

You can get equipment, like a computer, that is cheaper and does the basics…

But I would take that approach with caution

My husband and I made a lot of choices to save a few dollars and ended up growing out of our things fast

We made a decision that we would only buy things that we will still be happily using in 1 or 2 years

This stopped the problem of getting something good enough for a beginner, but outgrowing it in a month or two

You can choose whatever is right for you, just keep in mind that you won’t be a beginner for long

If you practice like you need to, you will need something strong enough to take care of your needs later

Or you can replace your set up as you go

This goes for everything

  • Computers
  • Mice
  • Keyboards
  • Mousepads
  • Editing software

Only things that are super easy to update as needed are your internet and external memory

But even then, it is easier to buy one big external memory now and not worry about maxing it out in three months

There is no right answer here

You just need to decide what is right for your current and future situation

Buy a setup that can handle video editing

The first thing you need ot think about is your setup and tools

You can have an amazing editing software, but it would be useless if you cannot run it 

There are four equipment categories to think about:

  1. Computers
  2. Internet
  3. Memory
  4. Extra tools like a mouse or keyboard

Once you have this part of the foundation in place, then it is time to look at the software you can use!


The first thing you need is a computer strong enough to run the editing software

If you are a PC streamer, this shouldn’t be a problem

There is a lot of opinion around what computers are best, but you should look for at least:

  • 16 GB of RAM
  • Intel Core i5 (but i7 or i9 is way better)
  • 6-8 GB of VRAM graphics card
  • 24 Inch 144 Hertz monitor is recommended but not needed


If you are streaming, your internet should easily handle video editing software

But just to make sure, let’s look at some specs

For the most part, you’ll need at least 20 Mbps of download speed

On bad days, we get 16 Mbps and it works

But editing the video takes a really long time

25Mbps minimum is a safe bet to make sure your needs are met, but most high speed internet will have closer to 100 mbps download

External Memory

When you are downloading a lot of video, it may be a good idea to use an external memory

This keeps you from using all your computer’s memory and prevents the issues that come with that (like the computer slowing down)

I got a 1 TB external memory and it works perfect

We have barely used the available memory, it keeps everything safe, and it keeps our computers happy

Comfortable mouse and keyboard

If you are looking to edit streams, you probably already have a mouse and keyboard

But if you are not gaming with a computer, these will be needed to make the video editing smoother for you

Since we got our equipment to play games and stream, we got this mouse, this mousepad, and this keyboard

They work perfect and are very easy to use and adjust

The mouse and mousepa combination are great because you get the freedom of a wireless mouse with the automatic charging from the mousepad

Choose an editing software

Once you have your equipment, then it is time to choose a software

We like to use Filmora

It is a paid software, but we paid for the lifetime option and don’t regret it for a second

Filmora was very easy to learn and had all the options we needed for YouTube and TikTok

There are some very fun animations and layers that are easy to add as well

But there are many editing options to choose from!

If you want to know more about these options, check out this article

What are you editing videos for? What is the goal?

Once you have the foundation done, now it’s time for the fun part!

Why are you editing videos?

Many streamers will edit their videos to post on social media (like TikTok) and others will want to grow on YouTube as well

Making decisions on where you want the videos to go will help you learn about what you need to do

You don’t want to make 10 minute long horizontal videos if you plan to post on TikTok

It won’t work out well for you

But creating only shorts and wanting to grow on YouTube isn’t the best option either

Don’t start using your precious time on video editing unless you know why you are doing it

The reason should not be “because I should”

Priorities need to be created

For example, if you stream inconsistently because you struggle to find the time every week to be consistent…

It is not time to start video editing and growing a different platform

Get your stuff together on Twitch (or where every you want your main platform to be) first

Once you have that down, then you need to decide what comes next

What do you like to watch?

If you enjoy being on Tiktok and staying active there, TikTok might be a great choice for you

Personally, I think that growing on YouTube is a high priority

But that is very time consuming

Choose what works best for your interests and the time you have to spend 

What do you have to offer (Humor, skill, information, etc.)?

Once you know where you want to show up, now it is time to figure out what you have to offer

You have to make a decision here, but it doesn’t have to be one thing

You could make informative videos that are funny

The point here it to find something and be consistent with it for a while

If you do something for a few months and are not growing, then you can try something else

People like to know what to expect

They get to know your brand

A brand is the consistent parts of your content

Brands include:

  • Colors
  • Pictures
  • Logos 
  • Statements
  • Props
  • Activities
  • Or anything that you can become known for

The point of a brand is to make you memorable

If someone saw your video without your name or face, they would be able to tell who it is

This creates a strong connection between you and your watchers

Video is very powerful

Our brains have not evolved to understand the difference between real life and video

So when you connect with your watchers on video, the same parts of their brain light up as when they are meeting with a friend

That’s why people feel like they know people on social media who probably don’t even know they exist

You get to know that person that you are watching as well as you would know a friend based on the information you get online

So be consistent

That is how you go from a good gamer that people watch sometimes to a gamer with raving fans that can’t wait for your next video

Some things that you can offer are:

  • Tips and tricks
  • Game updates
  • Above average gameplay
  • Humor
  • Instructions on playing the game
  • Movement, positioning, aim tutorials
  • Walkthroughs for quests
  • Character guides

A good way to get ideas is to pay attention to what you watch and what people as you

Both are great content ideas!

Remember that you don’t have to pick one, but try not to pick more than 5 and keep them consistent

Once you know what you want to offer your audience, then you can start looking for game clips that will match your content

Keep in mind that you can change the vibe of a video with sound, effects, and layering

Practice… A lot!


You’ve made it far into learning to edit videos

But this is the step that losing most people

You have to practice… a lot

There is no other way to get good at something

Practice basic video editing by cutting out the parts of your stream that were not aligned with your brand

Then add more to your videos in layers

Layering is the part of video editing that can make your video crazy!

There could be basic layering…

Like adding text on top your video

You can add transitions to make one clip smoothly (or intensely) transition to another clip

You can add Broll, but that it getting more complicated

Broll is when you add pop culture clips to your videos to add to the story you are trying to tell

Think about a video when it stopped showing the main video to show a could seconds of a show or news scene

That is Broll

You can make your videos as simple or complex as you want

But everything depends on you being willing to start where you are at and practice to get better

It is a common issue that people (including myself!) run into

We expect to jump into something new and be good at it

Sometimes that happens, but that shouldn’t be the expectation because starting terrible at something is far more common

Test your videos on the platform you chose

Lastly, it is time to test out your work

This can be VERY hard, but don’t take it personally if something isn’t a hit right away

With TikTok, you never really know what is going to go viral

With YouTube, it’s more about the slow build

Keep editing at posting videos

Test out what time of day is best to post, look what all your success videos have in common, listen to your watchers (the helpful ones)


The bigger you get online, the more you will be attacked by haters and miserable people

Let those comments wash away and keep working towards your goal

This is a learning process

You can look at other streamers and get ideas

You can look at trends and give it a try

But at the end of the day, success is about trying new things and seeing how they do

There is no one size fits all in the online world

You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed

But don’t look at those videos as failures

Look at them as learning experience and learn everything you can from them

It is okay to take breaks when you need it

Everyone needs a break sometimes!

Just. Don’t. Quit.


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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