What Do Streamers Do When Editing Their Videos?

Streaming is a dream job for many people

Getting paid to do something you love and connect with like-minded people?

Yes, please!

Streamers edit their videos to post on other platforms to increase their traffic and revenue.

Streamers use a variety of editing tools, but Filmora and Premiere Pro are two of the favorites. Editing software can be paid monthly, lifetime payment, or free. Filmora is an excellent software that has a lifetime option. Premiere Pro is a little more complicated and requires a monthly payment.

We use Filmora because it is easy to learn and use, but also has the features to make experienced editors happy

When I used it for the first time, it took me about 20 minutes to know exactly what I needed to do to get the video that I wanted to post

Why do streamers edit their videos?

There are many reasons someone might edit their videos

But most streamers do it so they can post clips on other social media

When you are active on more platforms, you have more streams of people coming to your live stream

More people catch the attention of even more people

And a wider audience usually means a higher income

Since you have your content already created every time you record your streams, all you have to do as a streamer is edit those videos and post them on the platforms of your choice

If you are currently only on Twitch, I recommend starting with TikTok or YouTube

Both are excellent for bringing in free traffic

But don’t start both at the same time

That can be extremely overwhelming and increases your chances of quitting a lot

Choose the one you like being on more and grow it for a while

When you think you are ready to start the other platform, start slow and enjoy growing again!

What are popular editing software choices?

There are many popular editing software options, but Filmora and Premiere Pro are the most popular among streamers

If you are a beginner, Filmora is the better option because it is effective for more beginners and experienced editors

Premiere Pro has more features, but it is harder to learn for the beginner

There are many options that range from free to expensive

If you want to see a few options, check out this article

But I do recommend Filmora because we use it and have never had an issue

How to edit and use your videos successfully

When you are ready to start editing your videos, I recommend going in this order:

  1. Start with a high-quality screen record
  2. Have a brand for your stream
  3. Choose the platform you will be posting on
  4. Choose the value you are going to give
  5. Create videos that follow that brand and value
  6. Remember to add a hook and CTA
  7. Download on an external memory
  8. Learn about the extra steps of your chosen platform
  9. Post regularly

If you remember to do all these steps, you have a good chance of growing nicely on social media!

Start with a high-quality screen record

The quality of your videos depends on the quality of your stream

Make sure that you have a nice camera and microphone

This is needed for a successful stream as well, but it is an important note for your videos too

No one likes watching blurry videos or videos that aren’t clear

Have a brand for your stream

Branding is a step that many streamers don’t remember in the beginning

A brand is what your stream is known for

Parts of a brand are:

  • Colors
  • Font
  • Props
  • Your personality
  • The value you offer
  • And more

What do you want your stream to be known for?

What do you want your audience to think of when they think of you?

Knowing this will help you create content that will build raving fans

Choose the platform you will be posting on

You need to know where you will be streaming and what platforms you will be hanging out on

You need to know this before you get started so you can create videos made for the platform of your choice

I recommend streaming on Twitch and posting on TikTok and/or YouTube

Don’t do them all at the same time

Start with one platform and expand when you are ready to do it long-term

Choose the value you are going to give

The value that you offer is very important to gaining fans and followers

What will you offer your audience?

There are so many things you can offer:

  • Character profiles
  • Walkthroughs
  • Tutorials
  • Tips and tricks
  • Humer
  • And more

Value doesn’t have to be crazy

Entertainment is value

You just need to have an idea before you start so you can have guidance during editing

Create videos that follow that brand and value

Now that you have recorded videos, your brand, and your value

Create videos that match all of those points

Look for clips that match and have fun putting them together!

Remember to add a hook and CTA

Remember to add a hook and call to action to your videos

A hook is a sentence that convinces people that they should stay

Don’t make any false promises

If you promise something, follow through

A call to action is something you want your viewer to do

The most common is “follow for more” or “like and subscribe”

But you can ask people to join your live stream!

Download on an external memory

The more you edit, the more you will have videos on your memory drive

I recommend getting an external memory to keep it off your computer and prevent your computer from slowing down

Learn about the extra steps of your chosen platform

You need to learn all the parts of the platform you chose

For TikTok, you learn:

  • Hashtags
  • Video length
  • Hooks 
  • Community
  • What works for you

For YouTube, you learn:

  • SEO
  • Titles
  • Thumbnails
  • Hooks
  • Community
  • Video length
  • What works for you

Having a great video is important to grow on a platform, but so it all the other parts

Have fun learning about the platform you chose!

Post regularly

Lastly, you need to post regularly to grow on any social media

The more you post great content, the faster you grow

Don’t get caught on the quality vs quantity argument

You need both

Don’t try to be perfect, but don’t post so much that the video quality suffers


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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