What Is a Gaming YouTuber?

There are many people on YouTube, and a lot of them make money from their videos

Not all of them make a living from YouTube, but it is possible

A gaming YouTuber is someone that posts gaming content on YouTube regularly and usually gets paid for it. I say usually because you don’t have to be getting paid yet to be a gamer YouTuber, but it is usually coming in the future. 

To be considered a YouTuber, all you really need is to be someone actively growing a YouTube channel

Even better if you are making money doing it because that is what most people think of

But if you are putting in the effort to learn how to grow on YouTube and working hard at it, you will start to earn money

It may take time

Some people are making money in a couple of months, and others don[‘t make money until a couple of years

Gaming might be a learning experience too because it is so competitive

So you might back some mistakes while you find your spot

And that’s ok!

Just keep learning and don’t quit

You got this

What does it mean to be a YouTuber?

The dictionary says that a YouTuber is “a person who uploads, produces, or appears in videos on the video-sharing website YouTube.”

So as I said before, you don’t have to be making money yet to be considered a YouTuber

You just need to be showing up on YouTube actively

That could mean posting twice a month, every week, or several times a week

If you want to grow on YouTube, I recommend at least once a week

But choose a schedule that you can keep up with

Being consistent is very important for YouTube, so choose a schedule that you can consistently do without burning out

Just know that growth will be much slower if you post less than once a week and it will be more difficult to get momentum

But it can be encouraging and motivating to start calling yourself a YouTuber

If that becomes something very important to you, you will be able to make time easier

What is a gaming YouTuber?

A gaming YouTuber is exactly how it sounds

They are YouTubers that post gaming content

Gaming is a very broad term though

Think about how much goes into gaming

You could be talking about PC games, Xbox games, Playstation games, Nintendo games, VR games, or even board games that loosely fits into the term gaming

Inside those gaming consoles are even MORE options

There are so many game options for each one

And inside the game are different parts or content styles

So gaming is a very broad term

It is great that you want to be a gaming YouTuber, but the next step is to get more specific on what kind of gaming

Do gaming YouTubers get paid?

Gaming YouTubers get paid just like every other YouTuber

To get paid by YouTube, you need to get 1k followers and 4k watch hours within 12 months

Then you can apply to start getting paid for views and ad clicks

But there are other ways to get paid too 

You can become an affiliate for products that you love and recommend them in your videos

Every time someone uses your link to buy those products, you get a commission

Just make sure you truly believe in the product

It is very hard to come back from having a reputation for recommending products just for the commission

It is hard for anyone to accuse you of that when you are using the headphones that you are recommending in your videos

Another common way that Gaming YouTubers get paid is through sponsorships

That is when a business pays you to tell your audience about them

You could get paid through a commission

This means you get money for every person that uses your link 

Or you could get paid for the actual video

Usually, it will be the first one until your channel gets larger

Can you make a living being a YouTube gamer?

When people start a YouTube channel, the most common goal is to make a living posting video about things they love

Who doesn’t want to get paid to do their favorite hobby??

Most gamers that start on YouTube or Twitch have the goal to be a full-time streamer or YouTube gamer

And it is very possible!

Just keep in mind that it is a lot of work

You may be tempted to do follow for follows, but those only hurt your account in the long run

The best way to set yourself up for making a living as a Gaming YouTuber is:

  • To do your niche research, 
  • Create a consistent content calendar, 
  • Provide a lot of value in every video, 
  • Network with other gamers on YouTube,
  • Learn SEO,
  • Create the content on search terms that need better content,
  • Be patient while you learn and grow

All good things take time

If you grow too fast, it is actually a bad thing

Growing too fast isn’t sustainable and usually ends in a crash

Look at viral videos

They could be viral for a week, month, or a year

But once they aren’t viral anymore, they are just gone

YouTube channels work the same way

But if you grow slowly, the growth is more sustainable

You gain followers for your content in general instead of a single lucky video

If you are completely new to YouTube, give yourself a couple of years of action before even thinking of quitting

Not only do you need to gain momentum on YouTube, which takes a lot of time sometimes

You also need to learn how to get that momentum and traction

Some people will understand and take off faster than others

It isn’t a race

Think of learning YouTube at school

People go to school for 4 or more years to get the career they want

How long are you willing to be patient and continue learning in order to become a full-time gamer?

Don’t quit before your channel has a chance to succeed


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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