What Is The 3-2-1 Rule In Video Editing?

In video editing, the most valuable thing you have is time

And it can take a lot of time!

So the last thing that you want to experience is losing videos that you edited 

That is what the 3-2-1 rule prevents

The 3-2-1 rule in video editing tells you to keep 3 copies of your videos, in 2 different storage places, and 1 of those places needs to be in a different location. This rule makes it so you don’t lose your content in case of online or physical accidents

If you are going to spend so much time creating beautiful videos for your social media or YouTube, take steps or organize and back it up so you don’t have to recreate any of your videos

What is the 3-2-1 rule in video editing?

The 3-2-1 rule in video editing helps you prevent content loss

We think about all the steps that we need to make our videos amazing, but we don’t usually think about what comes next

Organization and creating backups is what comes next

The 3-2-1 is a backup method

Every time you finish a video, save three copies of that video

Those three copies need to be in two separate places

Meaning you can have one on your computer and two in a storage

Make sure that one of those places can be reached from a different location

A couple of examples could be Google drive or an external memory

As long as you don’t store that memory in your computer

If there is a glitch or someone hacks your computer, you aren’t in danger of losing your content because there is at least one copy of every video that is not on or with your computer

Why is organization and creating backups so important?

Organization is important because forgetting where your content is can be a huge time waster

When I don’t put content in the correct folder with a clear name, I can spend a couple hours trying to find the video that I am looking for

When you name your content, get specific in the name

Pretend that you are searching for that video in a search bar

What would you type in to find that video?

Use those words in the file name

It may be a good idea to add a date too

I like to use dates at the beginning of my file name so that it automatically organizes in time order

But you can do that however makes sense for you

When you are organized and clear, you save time searching for the videos that you want to use

You can go straight to the correct folder and select the correct name without needing to open it

Backups are important because things happen!

You never know when there will be a fire that destroys your house (with your computer inside)

Or if a virus deletes everything you have

By creating backups that prepare you for both accidents, you prevent losing the content that you spent so much time on

Time is valuable

And you have to use a lot of it for every video you edit

Creating backups is like insurance on that time and content

Protect it so you don’t have to start from scratch in an accident

What is the most important resource you have as a video editor?

Tools and software are very helpful as a video editor

But the most important resource you have is time

You use a lot of time when learning video editing, and you use a lot of time even as an experienced editor

And time is the only resource that you cannot replace or get back

That is why I believe in spending a little money to get something that saves time

I bought my editing software because it took less time to learn and would take a long time to outgrow

You can always earn more money or learn a new software

But time is gone once it’s gone

One of the largest reasons for loss of time that editors face is losing the content that they edited

That could be because they lost it on their computer

Maybe they put it in the wrong folder or named it weird

Or it could be because they only made one copy

Both of those reasons are very preventable!

You just need to be aware and willing to spend the few extra moments that it takes to take care of your work

What are some of the ways you can save backups of your videos?

There are many places that you can choose from when creating copies of your videos

One of my favorites is using an external memory

I got 1TB of memory

I labeled it with the date of the first and last video on it so I know what memory I need

Google Drive is also a favorite

I like it because there is a good amount of storage and I can access my Google drive from anywhere

That means I can access that content if I lost my computer in an accident from any other computer

As long as I remembered my username and password

You can put a copy directly onto your computer, but keep in mind that using too much memory on your computer can slow it down

The more videos that you edit, the more memory that your work will take up

You can email the videos to yourself to save a backup

This is convenient because you can download it from any computer that you log into your email from

But it does lower the video quality

So doing it that way is not recommended

It doesn’t matter what you choose to use as storage

There are pros and cons to every option

So look at what you can use and decide what is most important to you

Just make sure that you try to follow the 3-2-1 rule so you never have to experience losing all your hard work


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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