What To Post On TikTok To Grow Your Stream

TikTok is a powerful tool to increase traffic to your stream

It is unmatching in potential organic (free) traffic right now

You can grow your stream by posting valuable content as often as you can on TikTok. You cannot add a link to your TikTok bio until you reach 1000 followers, but posting many high-value videos every day will get you there fast.

Value can mean many different things

It could mean:

  • Funny videos
  • Entertaining videos
  • Trickshots
  • Tutorials
  • Walkthroughs
  • And more

The value is the reach people should watch your videos

Once you know what your audience wants to see and what you are good at, growing on TikTok gets much easier

What should I post on TikTok to grow on Twitch?

You should post videos on TikTok that are valuable enough to make people want to watch more of your videos, but teasing enough to encourage them to join you live

The more personality and value that you put into a video, the more loyalty you will gain from the people watching your videos

There is a streamer that we watch that only has average gameplay, but his personality makes us come back again and again

Once you find what value you have to offer, use that and help people get to know you and your brand

People connect to people and video is powerful for creating that connection

Don’t shy from talking in videos are showing your face

Just keep in mind that the bigger you get, the more mean people will find you

Once you have created a personal connection and know what value you offer, all you need to know is how to structure your posts and connect with more people

Keep reading because I will go through what you need to do step by step

How to start getting traffic from TikTok to Twitch 

There are 11 steps to start getting traffic from TikTok to Twitch

Most of them don’t really have to be in order, but it is helpful to not get too ahead

Those steps are:

  1. Find what you have to offer
  2. Post a lot!
  3. Ask people to follow you
  4. Get active in your niche
  5. Repeat until you reach 1000 followers
  6. Add your Twitch channel to your TikTok profile
  7. Keep posting as much as you can consistently!
  8. Talk about your live schedule on TikTok
  9. Ask people to follow your Twitch and join you live
  10. Stream in TikTok instead of Twitch sometimes
  11. Make your streams fun and make that obvious in your videos!

Find what you have to offer

I don’t know how people do it but your viewers can tell if you are being fake most of the time

Like trying to be funny when you are not or photoshopping to make yourself look better

Instead of trying to pretend to be someone you’re not, focus on what you have to offer

I promise you have something!

You could make funny videos

Or even funny fail videos

Maybe you are an excellent player that makes montages full of incredible shots

If you have done side quests for a game then try creating walkthroughs

Or tutorials

There are so many options so just find your spot in the market!

Post a lot!

TikTok requires you to post a lot

The best way to guarantee growth is to post a lot and post consistently

You can rarely guess which videos will take off

I posted 10 times a day consistently and got to 1k followers in 3 weeks

The momentum builds

So just keep posting!

Try to use as many hashtags as you have space for

And use hashtags that are relevant and have less than 1 million views

Ask people to follow you

It feels weird at first but you need to ask your viewers to follow you!

This is called a CTA or Call-to-action

It is simple to add

Just say or write “follow for more” at the end of your video

That’s it!

Get active in your niche

Once you are posting a lot and posting consistently, get involved in your niche

This means finding other creators that your target market will be watching

Then commenting helpful comments on their posts

Try to do the same creators many times

This will catch the attention of the creator to come to check out your page

And it will catch the attention of their audience because you are so helpful all the time

Repeat until you reach 1000 followers

Just keep doing that until you reach 1000 followers!

This could happen overnight if you have a viral video, or it could take a few months

It just depends on how many videos you post, how consistent you are, and if you go viral

Add your Twitch channel to your TikTok profile

Once you reach 1000 followers, you have the option to add a link in your bio and go live

This is when you can add your Twitch channel to your TikTok and start telling people to follow you there and join your lives

You can also go live on TikTok now!

You can use OBS to connect to TikTok and stream here

This is an excellent way to get more TikTok followers!

Just remember that you can’t live stream on both Twitch and TikTok if you are a Twitch affiliate

Keep posting as much as you can consistently!

By this point, you probably have some momentum going

Keep posting consistently to keep your TikTok growing and find new people to send to Twitch

You can slow down and post 3 to 5 times now

That is a good maintain number

But just do what you can without burning yourself out!

Talk about your live schedule on TikTok

Talk about when you go live on your videos

Hopefully, you go live consistently because TikToks are long-living

But if you go live the same day and time every week, then you don’t have to worry about someone seeing the schedule a year from now

If you want about when you will go live and send people to your Twitch channel, you will see more people joining you live because there is no confusion

Ask people to follow your Twitch and join you live

Don’t just talk about your schedule and assume people will show up

Tell them to come to hang out with you on Twitch!

This is an excellent CTA for many of your videos

Stream in TikTok instead of Twitch sometimes

If you want faster growth, go live!

You will get both new faces and old facing appearing

If you do decide to stream on TikTok, remember that you can’t do live on both TikTok and Twitch if you are a Twitch affiliate

Make your streams fun and make that obvious in your videos!

You need to start molding your brand

What do you want people to think of when they think of you and your stream?

Embassies those traits!

Make them obvious on both TikTok and on your stream

The last thing you want is to act one way on TikTok and a different way on Twitch


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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