Why Are Gaming Channels Popular On YouTube?

The gaming community is huge

It consists of every age group, and every style of game

So gaming as a niche is really broad

Gaming channels are popular on YouTube because there is something for everyone. If you want to get better at a game, get through a difficult level, help with a puzzle, connect with other like-minded gamers… there is a channel for you

If you are looking for a channel to watch, what do you do?

Do you scroll through the entire gaming section of YouTube hoping that you’ll find what you are looking for?


You might type in the game you are looking for or a specific question about a game

The process is similar when creating a YouTube channel

Don’t just make “gaming” your niche because that is way too broad

But if you create a channel about Apex, or about getting better as a new Apex player…

That is a niche that will show up in a search and attract the right audience

You don’t want Minecraft players to be the ones who find your Apex videos

You need to get specific

That is how gaming channels get popular on YouTube

How popular are gaming channels on YouTube?

Gaming is one of the biggest sections on YouTube

The broad topic “gaming” has 93M followers all by itself

And most gamers will follow specific channels, not the broad gaming category

That is a huge number!!!

If you look at the videos that come up when you search on YouTube, you can see how many views, likes, and subscribers a channel has

If they are ranking for a broad topic, they are probably a pretty large channel

Gaming is huge on every platform, but YouTube is famous for being the place to go for gaming content

What makes a successful channel vs an unsuccessful channel?

The definition of success changes for people, but I think most people start a YouTube channel with the hope of making money

It would be amazing to make a living posting videos about things you love!

For me, a successful channel is:

  • Old enough to see clear data (over a year)
  • Posting at least once or twice a week
  • Getting regular subscribers
  • High engagement
  • High average of views
  • Still fun after doing it for a while

Like I said, success might mean something different to you

But I don’t want to have to post 5 times a week to get 800 views a week

Success is having more videos doing well than ones that don’t, and knowing how to change the ones that don’t so they start to do better

And success is doing it for a year or two and loving it just as much as you did in the beginning

An unsuccessful channel is one that feels like an uphill battle

You feel lost no matter what you do and more videos flop than take off

There is little or no engagement in your videos

You post more and more to try to get momentum, but the views don’t match the effort that you put in

If you are in this situation, there are some things that you need to look at

Your analytics are your best friend!

They can feel scary but they tell you exactly what is wrong with your channel

If you have low impressions, you need to work on your SEO

Find questions in the auto suggest that don’t have great answers to them but appear to have good volume

People aren’t seeing your videos when they search for them

If your impressions are good but the clicks are low, you need to work on your titles and thumbnails

You need to catch their attention and make them want to click on your video

Adding a picture of you to your thumbnail is often helpful

Searchers are finding your video, but it isn’t interesting enough to make them click

Go back to videos will high impressions and change one thing at a time

You can change the title or the thumbnail

Then wait for a few days and see if there is a change

If clicks go down, change that thing again because that change made it worse

If clicks go up, you can choose to try what you didn’t do last time or take inspiration to change the same thing again

Keep testing

If you have good impressions and good clicks, but your watch time is low

Then the videos themselves are not keeping their attention

Move quickly to the value you promised in the title and thumbnail

Keep trying new things until your watch time starts to increase

Are gaming channels worth it?

Determining if a gaming channel is worth it depends on your goal

If your goal is to make money on YouTube, then you need to look at the competition and search volume for the gaming content you want to create

The search volume is the number of people that are searching for something on Google or YouTube

Google owns YouTube so don’t forget to look at the competition there too

If you type in things like:

  • Who {game title}
  • What {game title}
  • When {game title}
  • Where {game title}
  • And so on

Keep typing in one partial question at a time and look at the auto suggest

I recommend logging out of YouTube for this to avoid unreliable data

Things that come up in the search are things that other people have searched for

Look at those questions that match the game and type of content that you want to create

You are looking at two things:

  • Views that the top creators have
  • Quality of the content that appears

If no one actually answered the question and it is a typical question, that is a great topic to create a video for!

If you look and there are many creators that have done great videos, the competition may be too high for you to break into

If you want to start a channel that is worth the time, look for something you like, has good search volume, and lower competition


Brittany is Anthony's wife. She got into video editing and helping streamers build an income online when her husband expressed that he wanted to be a streamer. Together they learn how to do things and test them on their own platforms.

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